10 Most Popular DPSs

Deposit Pension Scheme
Deposit Pension Scheme is an installment-based savings’ scheme of Dhaka Bank for a single individual. Dhaka Bank DPS offers competitive interest rates and installments that are affordable for our Customers.
Millionaire Deposit Scheme (MDS) Account
Millionaire Deposit Scheme (MDS) Account is a time specified monthly deposit scheme for clients where the deposited money will become millions on maturity. With this great offer, you can become a millionaire after a specified term.
Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Scheme
This is a Deposit Scheme based on Shariah Principles where the depositor/investor gets monthly profit out of his/her deposit/investment.
Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account
Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account offers the customers the opportunity to invest a fixed amount for a fixed period at a fixed rate of interest. The customers have the option to re - invest their funds both principal amount and interest amount on maturity or principal amount and the interest amount being paid into ...
Monthly Benefit Deposit Scheme
This is a Deposit Scheme where the depositor gets a fixed amount of profit every month without disturbance of the principal.
Double/Triple Growth Deposit Scheme
For people who have cash flow at this moment and want to get it doubled/tripled quickly JBL has introduced Double/Triple Growth Deposit Scheme that offers you to make double/triple your money within 6(six) years and 9.5 (nine and a half) years respectively resulting a high rate of interest.
Double Benefit Scheme (DBS) Account
Double Benefit Scheme (DBS) Account is a time specified deposit scheme for clients where the deposited money will be doubled on maturity. Its a great option to double your unused money after a specific time.

10 Random DPSs

Students who are eligible to receive refunds from Bank are encouraged to enroll in this deposit.
Hajj Deposit Scheme
Hajj is one of the most important bases of Islam. Religious muslims tends to perform Hajj when they gather financial ability. But they find it difficult to gather the required amount to perform as there is no such systematic way of saving the money.
Mudaraba Special Savings (Pension) Account
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, in keeping with its welfare-oriented ideals based on Shariah Principles, has developed a deposit pension scheme named "Mudaraba Special Savings (Pension) Scheme", in order to mobilise and encourage the middle and lower middle class professional and service holders to save as per their...
Term Deposit
Term Deposit is a smart solution to get more out of long term investments with choice of tenure option.
Current Deposit
The Bank has a very wide network of activities and services both in urban and rural areas through its 492 branches all over the country.
Monthly Interest Bearing Time Deposit
A simple, safe and convenient way to make your money grow, providing you with the benefits of attractive interest rates, security, convenience and flexibility.
Fixed Deposit
National Bank Limited offers fixed term savings that will scale up your savings amount wtih the time.