Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd
Phone: +880-2-9563040(Auto Hunting), 9560099, 9567161,9567162, 9569417
Fax: +880-2-9564532, 9568634
Email: info@islamibankbd.com
Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Scheme
This is a Deposit Scheme based on Shariah Principles where the depositor/investor gets monthly profit out of his/her deposit/investment.
- Monthly Mudaraba Profit Deposit receipts will be acceptable as security.
- Monthly Mudaraba Profit Deposit account holders along with other Mudaraba depositors shall get preference in the matter of investment of their deposits over the Bank Equity and other cost-free funds.
- Monthly Mudaraba Profit Deposit account holders along with other Mudaraba depositors shall get preference in the matter of investment of their deposits over the Bank Equity and other cost-free funds.
DPS Type
Initial Deposit
Maturity Period
5(five) years
- Any bonafide adult citizen of Bangladesh with sound mind may open this account in his/her name or in the name of his/her dependants in any of the Branches of the Bank by application in Bank's printed Account Opening Form designed for this purpose. The d