Agrani Bank Limited
Head Office
Known As
Agrani Bank was nationalized after liberation of Bangladesh. It started functioning as a commercial bank in 1972 and continued as a public sector bank till 16 May, 2007. On 17 May the bank started the third chapter of its life as a limited company. The bank now performs its commercial banking operation through 873 outlets all over Bangladesh under the leadership of a 13 member Board of Directors.
The services and products of Agrani Bank are possible to classify in the following broad divisions:
- Personal
- Corporate
- Business
- Agri &Rural
- Merchant
- Islami
Let’s have a look deeper into each of them.
Personal Banking
Personal banking products are Deposit, Loan and Card services offered by ABL. Deposit services are Savings bank account, Fixed deposit receipt, Pension sanchay scheme. These schemes enhance small savings of limited income people to be accumulated.
Loan products at personal level are Home loan, Consumer loan, and Advance against salary. These programs help to achieve your dreams just in time and at a minimum effort.
Agrani Bank presents Debit card for the clients sharing a network with other four renowned banks of the country. Fees for the card are nominal. You may have a debit card from ABL and enjoy a life free from any tension of carrying cash.
Corporate Banking
Agrani Bank provide deposit services like Current account and Fixed deposit for its corporate clients. On the other hand it arranges funds through syndication of banks for big, corporate projects. Thus the bank is contributing to uplift the national economy to a higher level.
Business support
With a view to building up a fund of Tk. 500 crore for financing industrial projects, ABL introduced Agrani Bank Shilpa Unnayan Bond in 1999. There are two types of bonds, 5 and 7 years. The lowest denomination is Tk. 50,000 and highest one is of Tk. 500,000. Interest rate is good enough to attract people.
Major credit Schemes for business people are Industrial Credit, Trade Finance, Import Finance and Export Finance. If you are a deserving candidate for any of them, or you need any documentary support from Agrani Bank, you may pay a visit to any branch of ABL.
Agri & Rural Banking
Now bottom line farmers may have a bank account depositing Tk.10 only. Agrani Bank provides this service to rural Bangladesh. Young generation intending to go abroad for jobs may have loan for their air tickets and other expenses against nominal securities.
Other rural economical activities are also supported by Agrani Bank credit programs. The areas addressed are Cultivation (flower and others), Fisheries, Poultry, Purchasing Agri and irrigation machinery and ploughing animals. So it can be said that ABL is working to promote economic growth of Bangladesh from the very grass root level which is 80% of national economy.
SME Banking
Small and medium enterprise of the country is one of the deserving sectors for financial support. Agrani Bank justifiably provide credit to them under different schemes. ABL launched a joint venture program named Small Enterprise Development Program (SEDP) with NORAD, a Norwegian agency in 1995. This program was implemented in greater Mymensingh and Faridpur districts. The target fields were rice mill, oil mill, nursery, repairing shops, fishery, weaving and many more.
The bank is presenting micro credit and other supports to land less day labor for alleviation of poverty by generating employment. Agrani Bank had designed some programs in collaboration with other agencies. One such program is Employment Generation Project for Rural Poor (EGPRP). This program was launched in 1995.
All these programs are very much favorable to the micro enterprises and the poor. Terms and conditions are also customer friendly and easy to follow.
Banking for NRBs
Nonresident Bangladeshis now get banking facility through Agrani Bank. They may have an account in taka, they may invest in Dollar Bonds. They are also allowed to have an F/C account. If you are one of them you can avail these opportunities. Your nominees are also entitled for these scopes.
Merchant Banking
The merchant banking unit of Agrani Bank was turned into a subsidiary entity in 2009 and named as Agrani Equity & Investment Limited. This unit serves Issue management, Underwriting and Portfolio management functions.
Islami Banking
Among the nationalized banks Agrani was the first to introduce Islami Banking service. Agrani Bank provides completely interest free Shariah based banking to the clients. Deposit services offer interest free profit in compliance with Shariah. If you desire to get Islami banking service you are welcome at its Islami banking unit in its H/Q.
Agrani Bank, as per its slogan, is always beside the people in their struggle to come up with sustainable economic growth for themselves and for the nation.