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10 Most Popular Services
Islamic Banking system now-a-days becomes a reality all over the world. It is widely accepted and liked not only by the Muslims but also Non Muslims. We offer Islamic Banking Services under the principle of Shariah. In order to ensure smooth operation and proper guideline, the Bank has a Shariah Council of renowned ...
Evening Banking is available in the following branches:
Sl Branch
01. Banani
02. Gulshan
03. Rampura
04. Uttara
05. Moghbazar
06. Nawabpur
07. Asad Gate
08. Mirpur
09. Sat Masjid
10. Agrabad
11. Momin Road
12. Moulvibazar
13. Zinda Bazar
Standard Chartered Bank offers you an exclusive service of paying utility bills directly from your Account or Credit Card without waiting in long queues. Enroll into auto BillsPay services for FREE, and the Bank will setup a Standing Instruction, and will arrange the payment of the following bills from your Account ...
Dutch-Bangla Bank is the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully automated and introduce Electronic Banking. The automation was completed in 2003, but further additions and features are continuously being added and upgraded. DBBL has adopted the same exact automation solution used my many international banking giants. ...
Enables the SMEs to get loan double amount of their deposit.
Features and Benefits:
- Loan amount range BDT 5.00 lac to BDT 20.00 lac
- Loan tenure up to 05 years
- Attractive rate of interest
- Monthly repayment
- Security 50% Fixed Deposit (FDR) of loan amount
- Easy processing
DBBL pioneered Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. It was the first bank to offer banking facilties through a wide range of mobile phones. SMS (Short Messaging System) is an extremely unsecure method to do mobile banking. DBBL recommends you use a HTML browser found on many phones to access internet banking facilities.
The constant economic growth in Bangladesh means ample opportunities for you to grow your dream business. However, countless obstacles, intense business environment and steep competition require you to have the very best banking partner. This is where Standard Chartered Bank's SME Banking comes into play with its wi...
Brac Bank is one of the pioneer in Internet Banking service provider in Bangladesh. There service includes e-Statement, Bill Payment, Fund Transfer among others.
Brac Bank Internet Banking Registration Form:
Login to your Brac Bank Internet Banking ...
10 Random Services
Automated Teller Machine (ATM), interalia, has unveiled the horizon of Electronic Banking of 21st Century. Through ATM, customers can avail non-stop online teller service without going to the specific branch of the member bank. They can withdraw or deposit cash or cheque as well as pay utility bills like BTTB, Grame...
We are delighted to announce that we have launched a new and upgraded version of our Phonebanking service (known as Call Centre Integrated Service or CCIS) on 19 April 2008.
This new Phonebanking service is integrated with our Call Centre and will provide you with access to your accounts 24 hours a day and 365 da...
Evening Banking is available in the following branches:
Sl Branch
01. Banani
02. Gulshan
03. Rampura
04. Uttara
05. Moghbazar
06. Nawabpur
07. Asad Gate
08. Mirpur
09. Sat Masjid
10. Agrabad
11. Momin Road
12. Moulvibazar
13. Zinda Bazar
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. has been providing 'Safe Deposit Locker' services for a long period of time. At present five of our fifty branches have these facilities.
Locker sizes - Security/Unit (Taka) - Rent/Unit (Taka)
Large -10,000.00 - 2,500.00
Medium - 10,000.00 - 2,000.00
Small - 10,000.00 - 1,500.00
Janata Bank Limited has a network of 859 (as on 08.08.2010) domestic branches in Bangladesh covering whole of the country including the rural areas.
Remittance services are available at all branches and foreign remittances may be sent to any branch by the remitters favoring their beneficiaries.
Remittances are...
Welcome to the convenience of accessing your banking needs from anywhere anytime. IFIC Bank Ltd. catered the demand of time in the era of modern banking technology through SMS Banking Service. It is indeed a fast, secure, convenient, economical and quickest way of banking. The service is available round the clock se...
AB Securities Limited (ABSL) is a subsidiary company of AB Bank Limited having holding 99.60% shares of the ABSL. Earlier, AB Bank Limited provided stock broking services through Arab Bangladesh Bank Foundation (ABBF) since 2006. Incompliance with Bangladesh Bank’s directives, AB Bank Limited formed s...
We manage your money by investing into Shariah compliant investment and providing additional benefits
We customise the right solutions for you.
Foreign Trade
One stop financial provider with competitive rates and at the same time gives you comfort and flex...