Jamuna Bank Ltd
Head Office
Known As
Stock Code
Jamuna Bank Limited came out in reality through the initiatives of some dynamic people, who were from different sectors of commerce, trade and industries. It was registered in 2001 as a commercial bank under the Companies Act, 1994. The bank started its banking activities on 03 June, 2001.
JBL from the very inception set a mission to build up itself as a unique commercial bank through difference in outlook, and providing comprehensive and innovative services to the valued customers. And ultimate goal is attaining mutually a sustainable higher level in financial measure.
As a new generation private commercial bank of the country, JBL provides all conventional services to the clients. In addition it presents a good number of schemes and products in deposit and credit forms.
Deposit Schemes
Jamuna Bank presents lucrative deposit schemes for its clients. These are mostly for limited income people who want to save some money for future. The schemes are namely:
- Marriage Deposit Scheme
- Lakhpati Deposit
- Millionaire Deposit
- Kotipati Deposit
- Education Deposit
- Monthly Benefit Scheme (MBS)
- Double/Triple Growth Deposit
- Monthly Savings Scheme (MSS)
For opening a deposit scheme you only need to maintain a savings bank account at any branch of Jamuna Bank Ltd. Such a scheme in this bank would help you to overcome difficult hurdles of life much easily.
Credit Schemes
Major field of Credit Banking of JBL may be termed as Corporate Banking. Under this head it concentrates on the following:
- Agro processing Industry
- Export oriented / Import substitute Industry
- Telecommunication
- Information Technology
- Real Estate & Construction
- Wholesale Trade
- Transport, Hotel & Resturant
- Nonbank financial institution
- Loan Syndication
- Project Finance- Investment Banking
- Lease Finance- Hire Purchase-International Banking
- Export Finance
- Import Finance
Export oriented and Import substitute industries include Textile Spinning/Dyeing/Printing, Garments and Knitwear, Food & Allied, Paper & Paper Products, Engineering & Steel Mills, and Chemicals. So it may be said that JBL is rightly addressing the deserving sectors of nation’s economy.
Agro processing and other fields of the bank’s interest are also very much correct decision for fund input. So if you are a deserving candidate from one of the said categories, you may approach JBL for credit.
Except the above sectors Jamuna Bank provides credit in the head, Shop Finance scheme. In fact this scheme addresses the SMEs of the country. Small business men, retailers and other self employed people are eligible for loan under the scheme. And those who are defined as SMEs are the main target for this program. If you represent a SME or any of the above category, you may have a loan from JBL for running and expanding your business.
Other Products & Services
JBL serves nonresident Bangladeshis (NRB) through its different services. It maintains a wide network of correspondent banks and Money Exchange Houses all over the world for sending home bound remittances through proper channel. NRBs are allowed to open foreign currency account s in their names. They may also have fixed deposit receipt accounts in F/C and many other schemes for investment at JBL.
This third generation private bank issues Debit and Credit cards for its customers. The cards are of local and international categories. About 1500 ATM booths (own and shared) serve the card holders round the clock.
Jamuna Bank Ltd. always tries to provide its clients a better and world class service through modern technology. So it didn’t make any delay to introduce any branch banking through its 67 branches all over the country. All of its customers are entitled to avail this facility without spending a furthing.