National Bank Limited
Head Office
Known As
Stock Code
Emergence of National Bank in the banking arena of Bangladesh was a remarkable event. While the national economy was sunken in severe recession some dynamic people with a vision came forward to establish a commercial bank. Their attempt was to help the economy of the country to revitalize.
Thus the first private commercial bank, solely owned by Bangladeshi citizens came into reality in 1983 with the name, National Bank Limited. At present NBL is extending its service to people through 130 branches and 15 SME/Agri branches all over the country.
Products & Services
The products and services rendered by NBL are mainly Deposit products, Credit products and Card services.
Deposit products offered by the bank are:
- Savings Deposit
- Current Deposit
- Term Deposit
- Foreign Currency Deposit
- Monthly Savings Scheme
- Monthly Income Scheme
- Double Benefit Scheme
- Millionaire Income Scheme
Term Deposit of NBL may be sub divided into two. These are Special Notice Deposit (SND) and Fixed Deposit. The bank provides interest to SND account and allows you to withdraw money at any time. Fixed Deposit account is naturally supposed to retain the money for the fixed term and then you’ll have full benefit.
NBL presents opportunity for resident and non- resident Bangladeshis to have foreign currency accounts with interest.
Monthly deposit Scheme is a forced savings for limited income people. You have to deposit a fixed amount from Tk. 500 to a maximum of Tk. 10,000 every month. After a term of 3, 5, or 8 years you’ll get a handsome amount including interest.
For Monthly income scheme you mat deposit a minimum amount of Tk. 100,000 and a maximum of Tk.5,000000 for three years and you get in return a monthly income of Tk. 1000 for every Tk.100,000.
Double benefit scheme of NBL doubles your money in only 6 years. You are to deposit a minimum of Tk. 50,000 or any of its multiples. Maximum ceiling is Tk. 5,000000.
Millionaire income scheme will make you an owner of Tk. 1 million in 5, 7, or 10 years through a monthly deposit. Installment varies accordingly.
The credit schemes provided by NBL are appended below:
- Overdraft
- Lease Financing
- House Building
- Small and Medium Enterprise
- Consumer Credit Scheme
- Trade Finance
NBL maintains Over Draft opportunity for corporate clients to facilitate their day to day business operations. This is offered against deposit receipt or mortgage of property.
The bank provides Lease finance facility for Capital machinery, Different equipment, Gas /Diesel generator, Power Plant, Medical equipment, Lift/Elevator, Information Technology equipment, Construction equipment, and Consumer durables. The pay back is in easy installments.
A home of your own is not too far. You can have a loan from NBL for purchasing an apartment or for building a house. Maximum allowable loan is 70% of total value or Tk. 7,500000 which one is higher. You may have a grace period of 9 to 12 months.
NBL has come forward to support financially the small businesses and small enterprises with new products named Festival Small Business Loan and NBL Small Business Loan. Maximum limit of loan is Tk. 300,000 and Tk.500.000 respectively for the two schemes.
Consumer credit is available from this bank for electronic consumer goods and for computer/computer peripherals. Interest rate is competitive.
NBL provides Trade Finance to almost all types of commercial concerns. It provides Working capital for industrial entrepreneurs, Trade finance for business, Issuance of import L/C, Confirming of export L/C, and ensures Bonds and Guarantees.
Credit & Debit cards
National Bank presented its International Master Card service before any other local bank here. In the meantime it has also introduced Visa and Power Cards (Debit card).
The mission under taken by NBL during its inception was never ignored by it and it’s still working for the country and for the nation with full commitment.