Dhaka Bank signs refinancing deal with Acme Lab
Khondoker Fazle Rashid, Managing Director of Dhaka Bank, and Mizanur Rahman Sinha, Managing Director of Acme Laboratories Limited, exchange documents after signing an agreement at the bank’s head office in Dhaka on Wednesday.
Dhaka Bank Limited signed an agreement with Acme Laboratories Limited on refinancing the projects of the company.
Khondoker Fazle Rashid, Managing Director of Dhaka Bank, and Mizanur Rahman Sinha, Managing Director of Acme Laboratories Limited, signed an agreement on behalf of their respective organisations at the bank’s head office in Dhaka on Wednesday, said a press release.
Navana, Eastern Bank sign customer benefit deal
Nazeem A Choudhury, Head of Consumer Business of EBL and Hamdur Rahman, Head of Sales and Marketing of Navana Limited, are seen signing an MoU at Card Centre of the bank in Dhaka recently.
Eastern Bank Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Navana Limited, a distributor of Camry Hybrid car in Bangladesh in Dhaka recently.
Under the MoU, Eastern Bank Limited’s Signature and Platinum card holders as well as priority customers will enjoy special loan facility and discount while purchasing a brand new Camry Hybrid car, said a press release Tuesday.
Al-Arafah shifts Mirpur branch
Abdul Malek Mollah, Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, inaugurates shifted Mirpur branch of the bank at Apon Angina Mirpur City Center at Darus Salam Road in Mirpur-1 in Dhaka Tuesday.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited's Mirpur branch has been shifted to its own premises at Apon Angina Mirpur City Center at Darus Salam Road in Mirpur-1 in Dhaka Tuesday.
Abdul Malek Mollah, director of the bank inaugurated the new branch, said a press release.
Ekramul Hoque, Managing Director of the bank delivered the welcome speech at the dfunction.
Bank Asia opens SALAMAH service
Md Mehmood Husain, President and Managing Director of Bank Asia, inaugurates a month-long ‘SALAMAH’ Islamic Service for Dhaka Zone at Paltan Branch in Dhaka on Sunday.
Bank Asia launched a month-long ‘SALAMAH’ Islamic banking service for Dhaka Zone aiming at expanding and popularising Islamic banking among customers of the bank.
Md Mehmood Husain, President and Managing Director of Bank Asia, inaugurated the service at a simple ceremony at Paltan Branch in Dhaka on Sunday, said a press release.
Aminul Islam, Deputy Managing Director, Syed Nazimuddin, Senior Executive Vice President and Head of Foreign Remittance Department, AKM Mizanur Rahman,
First Vice President and Chief of Investment Risk Management of Islamic Banking Division and Hasan A Saimoom, Assistant Vice President and Head of Paltan Branch, attended the function.
Other branches or SME centers in the zone simultaneously inaugurated the program at respective branch premises in presence of valued customers and stakeholders.
‘Salamah’ Islamic Banking Service, a free of charge online banking system of Bank Asia, is now available at all branches of Bank Asia.
Nafeez Imtiaz Karim was awarded with a crest for proposing the Islamic Banking brand name ‘Salamah’ during the function.
Uttara Bank okays 25pc dividends
Azharul Islam, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Uttara bank, speaks at the company’s 30th AGM at Rangamati Waterfront at Shafipur in Gazipur recently.
Uttara Bank Limited approved 10 percent stock dividend and 15 percent cash dividend for its shareholders for the year 2012.
The announcement came at the company’s 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM)) at Rangamati Waterfront at Shafipur in Gazipur recently, said a press release.
The AGM of the company passed the Annual Report-2012 along with the profit and loss account.
Azharul Islam, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank presided over the AGM.
Iftekharul Islam, Vice Chairman, Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim Majumder, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Shaikh Abdul Aziz, Managing Director and other directors attend the meeting.
Badrunnessa (Sharmin) Islam, Maj Gen (retd) Prof. MA Mohaiemen, Engr. Tofazzal Hossain, Arif Rahman were elected directors of the bank uncontested in the meeting.
Just after the AGM Azharul Islam and Iftekharul Islam were elected chairman and vice chairman of the Board of Directors respectively for next year.