IBBL holds confce on business dev

Posted by BankInfo on Sat, Jun 15 2013 06:04 am

Md Abdul Mannan, Managing Director of IBBL, speaks at a business conference in Jessore on Friday.


Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) organised a conference on business development at a local conference hall in Jessore on Friday.

Md Abdul Mannan, Managing Director of the bank, presided over the conference as chief guest, said a press release.

Md Obaidul Haque, Executive Vice President and Head of the bank’s Khulna Zone, spoke at the function. Executive Vice President and Head of Financial Administration Division Mohammad Nesar Uddin,

FCA, FCMA, Senior Vice President Md Siddiqur Rahman and Vice President ASM Rezul Karim made a presentation on key performance information,

best management practices of great companies, qualities of leadership: IBBL Perspective during the conference.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/15-June-2013

BB receives 100 pieces of ancient currencies

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jun 13 2013 07:24 am

Bangladesh Bank on Wednesday received 100 pieces of ancient currencies from Bangladesh Numismatic Collectors’ Society.

Members of the society handed over the currencies to BB governor Atiur Rahman on the day.
The currencies were from the Sultan dynasty, a BB press release said.

The BB earlier had requested people to enrich the museum by donating ancient notes and coins.
The central bank has already collected a good number of currencies of the British period and Sultan and Mogul dynasties, said the release.

Besides, a significant number of coins and notes that were found at Wari-Bateshwar in Narsingdi are preserved at the Takar Jadughar, the BB press release added.

News:New Age Bangladesh/13-June-2013

Prime Bank opens remittance service to India

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jun 13 2013 06:49 am

Tanjil Chowdhury, Chairman, Prime Exchange Co Pte Ltd (PEC) Singapore and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Prime Bank Limited, inaugurates the launching of remittance services to India from Singapore recently.


Prime Bank Limited recently extended its remittance services to India.

The service will be provided to expatriate Bangladeshis living in India from Singapore through Prime Exchange Co. Pte Ltd. (PEC) headquartered in Singapore.

Tanjil Chowdhury, Chairman, PEC Singapore and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of the bank launched the service recently, said a press release.

Md. Ehsan Khasru, Managing Director and CEO of Prime Bank Limited, Habibur Rahman, SEVP, Head of International Division of the Bank, were also present.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/13-June-2013

EBL, UDDL understanding to benefit customers

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jun 13 2013 06:37 am

Nazeem A Choudhury, Head of Business, Consumer Banking, EBL, and Hasib M Abdullah Head of Marketing UDDL, exchange documents after signing a MoU on customer benefits in Dhaka on Tuesday.


Eastern Bank Ltd (EBL) and Urban Design and Development Ltd (UDDL), a leading real estate and developer company of the country, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Dhaka on Tuesday.

Nazeem A Choudhury, Head of Business, Consumer Banking, EBL and Hasib M Abdullah, Head of Marketing, UDDL, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations, said a press release.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/13-June-2013

IBBL supports Rana Plaza victims’ families

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jun 13 2013 06:13 am

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) has decided to stand beside Savar Rana Plaza victims and their family members by extending assistance.

In this regard, the bank donated Tk 5 crore to Prime Minister’s Relief and Welfare Fund last month, said a press release.

The donation is part of the bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Besides, Tk 84,50,000 raised from one day’s salary of executives and officials of the bank was also donated to Savar victims though ABB.

Just after the accident in Savar, IBBL organised blood donation programme to provide blood for injured.

The bank, the pioneer in welfare oriented banking, also created a charitable fund “Sadaqah Tahbil” (Charity Fund) in 1983 to serve the distressed humanity. The fund was renamed as Islamic Bank Foundation in 1991.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/13-June-2013
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