Social Islami Bank launches campaign
Major (Retd) Dr. Md. Rezaul Haque, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Social Islami Bank Limited, hands over the Campaign Replica to the bank's heads of branches at a function in Dhaka recently.
Social Islami Bank Limited (SIBL) launc- hed a campaign "Cash Waqf-e Sanchoy, Porok-ale Shongi Hoi- Kalyan ar Proshantite, Porokal Hoy Punyomoy" at the corporate office of the bank recently.
Major (Retd) Dr. Md. Rezaul Haque, Chair -man of the Board of Directors of the bank inaugurated the month-long campaign, said a press release.
The chairman hands over the Campaign Replica to the heads of branches at the programme.
NCCB signs deal with Trans-East Remittance
ABM Jashim Uddin Ahamed, Head of Remittance and NRB Services Division of NCC Bank Ltd and Mohammad Khairuzzaman, Country Head of Trans-Fast Remittance LLC, USA, exchange documents after signing an agreement at the bank’s head office recently.
NCC Bank Ltd signed an agreement with Trans-Fast Remittance LLC, USA at NCC Bank’s head office in Dhaka recently.
Under this agreement, Bangladeshi expatriates can easily and quickly remit their money at home using Trans-Fast Remittance through NCC Bank, TMSS and Ansar-VDP Unnayan Bank network from 90 countries around the world, said a press release.
ABM Jashim Uddin Ahamed, Head of Remittance and NRB Services Division of NCC Bank Ltd and Mohammad Khairuzzaman, Country Head of Trans-Fast Remittance signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations.
EBL, Dragonair sign deal
Ali Reza Iftekhar, Managing Director and CEO of Eastern Bank Ltd, and Nick Hays, General Manager, Cathay Pacific Dragonair in Bangladesh, exchange documents after signing an agreement in Dhaka recently.
Eastern Bank Ltd and Cathay Pacific Dragonair in Bangladesh signed an agreement in Dhaka recently on customer services.
Under the agreement, Priority Customers of EBL will enjoy up to 9 percent discount on top of usual agency commission on airfare and 10 kg additional baggage allowance while flying with Cathay Pacific Dragonair, said a press release.
Ali Reza Iftekhar, Managing Director and CEO of Eastern Bank Ltd and Nick Hays, General Manager of Cathay Pacific Dragonair, Bangladesh signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations, said a press release.
With the arrangement, tickets can be purchased from any travel agent in Bangladesh or directory from Airline’s office.
Al-Arafah Bank holds discussion
Md. Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, speaks at a discussion on ‘Ramjan O Noitikota’ at Motijheel in Dhaka recently.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Motijheel branch, organised a discussion meeting on ‘Ramjan O Noitikota’ followed by an Iftar Mahfil recently.
Md. Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of the bank was present in the meeting as the chief guest, said a press release on Saturday.
Founder chairman AZM Shamsul Alam, directors of the bank Abdul Malek Mollah and Engr. Kh. Mesbah Uddin Ahmed were present on the occasion.
Moulana Muhammad Kafiluddin Sarkar Salehi, Principal, Dhaka Nesaria Kamil Madrasa and Md. Abdur Rahim Khan, Secretary, AIBL Shariah Supervisory Committee discussed the main topic in the meeting.
Among others, Deputy Managing Directors Md. Mofazzal Hossain, Kazi Touhidul Alam and Md. Golam Rabbani were present on the occasion.
Premier Leasing reappoints managing director
SM Shamsul Alam has recently been reappointed as managing director of Premier Leasing and Finance Ltd.Before joining Premier Leasing in 2010,
was the deputy managing director of NCC Bank and Premier Bank, the company said in a statement yesterday.
He started his banking career in 1977 as deputy chief accountant in Sonali Bank. Alam also worked for Islami Bank Bangladesh, National Bank,
Prime Bank, Bank Asia, NCC Bank and Premier Bank in different capacities.He has been the
representative of National Bank in Myanmar. Alam completed his BSc and BEd under Dhaka University and later did his post graduation in finance and banking from Rajshahi University.He is also a Diplomaed
Associate of the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh, according to the statement.He is a distinguished external member of committee of courses of finance and banking department of Rajshahi University.
News:Daily Star Bangladesh/20-July-2013