SIBL holds discussion
Major (retd.) Dr. Md. Rezaul Haque, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Social Islami Bank Limited, speaks at a discussion meeting at Officers Club in Dhaka recently.
Social Islami Bank Limited recently arranged an Iftar Mahfil and discussion meeting on "Cash Waqf-e-Sanchoy, Porokale Shongi Hoi-Kalyan ar Proshantite, Porokal Hoy Punyomoy" at Officers Club in Dhaka.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank Major (retd.) Dr. Md. Rezaul Haque was present at the function as chief guest, said a press release.
Directors of the bank were present as special guests.
Sonali Bank green banking board meet
Selima Ahmed, President, Environment and Green Banking Committee of Sonali Bank, presides over the first meeting of the committee at the board room of the bank on Sunday.
The first meeting of the board of directors of the Environment and Green Banking of Sonali Bank Limited was held at the board room of the bank on Sunday.
Selima Ahmed, President, Environment and Green Banking Committee, presides over the meeting, said a press release on Tuesday.
AIBL holds Iftar party at branches
Hafez Moulana Mohammad Jobaer Ahmed, Imam and Khatib of Abdullahpur Baitul Jannat Jame Masjid, offers munajat at a discussion meeting organised by AIBL at Abdullahpur branch office in Dhaka recently.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Ambarkhana branch organised a discussion meeting on ‘Significance of Ramadan’ followed by an Iftar Mahfil recently.
Abdul Basit Barkatpuri, member of Sharia Supervisoty committee discussed significance of Ramadan at the meeting, said a press release.
Md Harun-or-Rashid, vice president of AIBL of Laldighirpar branch, Md Golam Mohiuddin Chowdhury, branch manager of Jindabazar branch were present at the meeting.
Meanwhile, Abdullahpur SME Branch of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited organised a discussion on “Importance of holy Ramadan and its Significance” and an Iftar party at branch premises of the bank in Dhaka recently.
Hafez Moulana Mohammad Jobaer Ahmed, Imam and Khatib of Abdullahpur Baitul Jannat Jame masjid spoke about the significance of Ramadan.
Al-Arafah Bank holds seminar
M. Azizul Huq, renowned Islamic banking expert, presents key-note paper at a seminar organised by Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited at its head office in Dhaka on Monday.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited organised a seminar on “Islamic Banking – Its Basis and Present Status” and held a discussion and Iftar mahfil at its head office on Sunday.
M. Azizul Huq, renowned Islamic banking expert presented the key paper at the meeting, said a press release.
Md Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of the bank presided over the meeting. Moulana Md. Anowar Hossain Mollah, Principal East Badda Islamia Kaumi Madrasa and Khatib, Ramna Jame Mosque briefed the participants about Al-Quran and Holy Ramadan.
Bank Asia holds half yearly confce
A. Rouf Chowdhury, Chairman of Bank Asia Limited, speaks at the Half-Yearly Business Conference-2013 of the bank at the bank’s Corporate Office at Naya Paltan in Dhaka on Monday.
Half-yearly Business Conference-2013 of Bank Asia for the branches under Cluster-5 was held at the corporate office of the Bank at Naya Paltan in the city on Monday.
A. Rouf Chowdhury, Chairman of the Bank, inaugurated the conference, said a press release.
AM Nurul Islam and Mohammed Lakiotullah, Vice Chairmen, Shah Md. Nurul Alam, Chairman of Board Audit Committee, Rumee A Hossain, Vice Chairman of Board Audit Committee and Executive Committee, Md. Mehmood Husain, President and Managing Director, Aminul Islam, Ms. Humaira Azam and Md Arfan Ali, Deputy Managing Directors of the bank were present.
The conference reviewed the half-yearly performance of the branches under Cluster-5 supervised by Md. Touhidul Alam Khan, Senior Executive Vice President. Strategies and action plans were set for these branches to face the economic challenges in the days to come.
The theme of the conference was “Emerging Trend of Customer Relationship Management” where emphasis was given on customer relationship management to achieve business goals by the head of branches.