IBBL organises board meeting
Engineer Mustafa Anwar, Vice-Chairman of IBBL, presides over the meeting at the bank's board room in Dhaka recently.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited was held at the bank’s board room in Dhaka recently.
Engr. Mustafa Anwar, Vice-Chairman of the bank, presided over the meeting, said a press release.
Engr. Md. Eskander Ali Khan, Chairman of EC, Prof Dr. NRM Borhan Uddin, Chairman of AC, Dr. Abdul Hameed Fouad Al-Khateeb, Director, attended.
BB, banks, NBFIs donate Tk 90cr for Savar victims Tk 20 lakh handed over on behalf of Woori Bank
Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman receives a cheque for Tk 20 lakh from Jong Hu Park, CEO of Woori Bank for the rehabilitation of victims of Savar Rana Plaza tragedy, at BB Head Office in Dhaka on Wednesday.
Bangladesh Bank along with other commercial banks and NBFIs donated around Tk 90 crore to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for the victims of Savar building collapse.
Recently, Woori Bank, a Korea-based bank donated Tk 20 lakh to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund in this regard, said a press release.
Employees of the Bangladesh Bank and all other scheduled banks and NBFIs donated their one-day salary to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for the help of Savar tragedy victims.
BB collected the list of persons who died and injured at the incident and also the volunteers from the Army headquarters and banks immediately after completion of rescue works.
Bangladesh Bank created a disaster management and social responsibility fund and formed a high-powered committee headed by Deputy Governor of BB including members from BAB, ABB to coordinate the rehabilitation programmes as part of the banks CSR programmes.
In this purpose, the central bank initially sanctioned Tk 5 crore to the fund. Each year, Bangladesh Bank will contribute the same amount to the fund. In addition, commercial banks and NBFIs will contribute to the fund, the central bank said.
Initiatives have been taken to provide the treatment facilities and arrange the replacement of artificial limbs to Savar victims who are under treatment in CRP, Savar and other hospitals.
Bangladesh Bank also will provide job to the volunteers to the different banks according to their educational qualifications.
DBBL branch in Gazipur opens
KS Tabrez, Managing Director of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited, inaugurates the 129th branch of the bank at Asean Tower, Bus Stand Bazar Road in Gazipur on Tuesday.
The 129th branch of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) was inaugurated at Asean Tower in Gazipur on Tuesday.
KS Tabrez, Managing Director of the bank inaugurated the branch, said a press release.
A milad mahfil was also arranged on this occasion.
The new branch will provide on-line banking facilities to the clients. The total number of the ATM and Fast Track networks of the bank stands at 2,389 and 235 respectively across the country.
Mentionable, DBBL has introduced Mobile Banking Services in 2011 to bring huge number of un-banked population of the country in rural areas into banking channel.
Midland Bank opens branch at Banani
Nilufer Zafar Ullah, MP, Vice Chairperson of Midland Bank Ltd, inaugurates a branch of the bank at Banani in Dhaka on Monday.
Midland Bank Limited opened another branch at Banani in Dhaka on Monday. Nilufer Zafar Ullah, MP, Vice Chairperson of the bank, inaugurated the branch, said a press release.
M Moniruzzaman Kh-
andaker, Chairman of the bank, presided over the function while AKM Shahidul Haque, MD and CEO of the bank, delivered welcome speech. lhajj Directors and sponsor shareholders of the bank attended the function.
Brac Bank relocates Eskaton branch
BRAC Bank Limited relocated its Eskaton Branch to a larger space for better customer service.
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Chairman of BRAC Bank Limited, formally inaugurated the branch on Monday, said a press release.
Hashem Khan, famous painter of the country was present as the special guest while Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director and CEO, and senior officials of the bank were also present.
On the occasion, Fazle Hasan Abed, said, “As the bank celebrates 12th anniversary, we open new branches to reach door steps of more people and cover more areas. We are committed for financial inclusion of the mass people in the journey of inclusive banking.”
While speaking, Syed Mahbubur Rahman said, “Eskaton branch is one of our top branches in terms of business. Moving to a new and larger premise on the 12th anniversary is a reiteration of our continued commitment for better customer service.”
Eskaton branch is now located at 23 New Eskaton, Dhaka.
Local elites, business people and a large number of customers attended the inauguration programme.
With the inauguration of the Eskaton branch, total number of branches including SME/Krishi branches and SME Service Centers stand at 155 which makes BRAC Bank one of the largest online networks in Bangladesh.