Bank Asia holds half yearly confce

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Jul 30 2013 05:53 am

A. Rouf Chowdhury, Chairman of Bank Asia Limited, speaks at the Half-Yearly Business Conference-2013 of the bank at the bank’s Corporate Office at Naya Paltan in Dhaka on Monday. 

Half-yearly Business Conference-2013 of Bank Asia for the branches under Cluster-5 was held at the corporate office of the Bank at Naya Paltan in the city on Monday.

A. Rouf Chowdhury, Chairman of the Bank, inaugurated the conference, said a press release.

AM Nurul Islam and Mohammed Lakiotullah, Vice Chairmen, Shah Md. Nurul Alam, Chairman of Board Audit Committee, Rumee A Hossain, Vice Chairman of Board Audit Committee and Executive Committee, Md. Mehmood Husain, President and Managing Director, Aminul Islam, Ms. Humaira Azam and Md Arfan Ali, Deputy Managing Directors of the bank were present.

The conference reviewed the half-yearly performance of the branches under Cluster-5 supervised by Md. Touhidul Alam Khan, Senior Executive Vice President. Strategies and action plans were set for these branches to face the economic challenges in the days to come.

The theme of the conference was “Emerging Trend of Customer Relationship Management” where emphasis was given on customer relationship management to achieve business goals by the head of branches. 

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/30-July-2013
Posted in Banking, News
