AIBL discussion on Al-Quran held

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Aug 01 2013 06:41 am

Md Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, presides over a meeting at the bank's Dilkusha branch in Dhaka recently.


Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (AIBL) organised a discussion meeting on 'Al-Quran and Holy Ramadan' followed by Iftar Mahfil at the bank's Dilkusha branch in Dhaka recently.

Md Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of the bank, presided over the meeting as chief guest, said a press release.

Alhajj AZM Shamsul Alam, founder chairman, Dr. Moulana ARM Ali Haidar Morshedi,

ex-professor of Islamic Studies Department of Dhaka University,

and Md Abdur Rahim Khan, Secretary of AIBL Shariah Supervisory Committee, Md Atiqur Rahman, Branch manager and Senior Vice President of the bank,

 spoke at the meeting. A large number of local businessmen, clients and well-wishers were present.



News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/1-Aug-2013

Dhaka Bank donates bus to Proyash

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Aug 01 2013 06:30 am

Abdul Hai Sarker, Chairman, Dhaka Bank Ltd, hands over the key of a bus to Brigadier General Md Sharafat Hossain, Director, Personnel Services and Provost Marshal at the Proyash School premises on Wednesday.


Dhaka Bank Limited donated a school bus to Proyash, an institute run under the patronisation of Bangladesh Army and dedicated for the wellbeing of persons and children with special needs.

The bus was donated under Bank's Corporate Social Responsibility programme, said a press release.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/1-Aug-2013

Banks in industrial areas to remain open Aug 6: BB

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Aug 01 2013 06:20 am

Bangladesh Bank on Wednesday directed all the commercial banks to keep their branches open on August 6 in the industrial areas in Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna so that smooth payments for workers through bank transactions can be ensured.

The central bank issued a directive to the chief executives of the banks in this reared today, according to a BB circular. The arrangement has been made following requests from Labour and Employment Ministry and Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), it said.

Under the directive, the bank branches located in Dhaka city, Savar, Ashulia, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Khulna and Chittagong will remain open on the day. The central bank also urged the banks concerned to ensure adequate security for the branches. —UNB

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/1-Aug-2013

Janata Bank loan creates interest among farmers

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Aug 01 2013 06:07 am

The interest free loan scheme of Janata Bank Limited has created huge enthusiasm among rural farmers, especially the marginal ones, who do not have access to bank loan for farming.

Under the scheme, Janata Bank disbursed Taka 9.65 lakh among 83 marginal farmers of Kutubdia in Cox’s Bazar and Taka 20 lakh among 159 farmers of Senbagh in Noakhali.

“I took Tk 10,000 from the Kutubdia branch of Janata Bank for rice and vegetable farming last year . . . I already repaid the money by selling the crops,” said Badal Karim who had to borrow money from rural lenders at high interest rate.

Badal Karim said he had to repay almost double to rural lenders for borrowing the money. He said he repaid the bank the entire amount last year because he did not have to pay any interest.

Like Badal Karim, Abdus Sobhan and Md Yasin of Arjuntala village of Senbagh upazila in Noakhali borrowed Tk 12,000 each from local branch of Janata Bank last year for vegetable farming.

“We had to borrow money from local NGOs at high interest rate but last year we took loan from Janata Bank and we had been able to pay back the amount because it was interest free,” they said.

Janata Bank launched the scheme in 2009 primarily to give interest-free loan to the marginal farmers and poor women of Aila-Sidr and monga affected regions under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.

Gradually, it has expanded the scheme to other regions including the coastal belts and it has so far disbursed Taka 11 crore among 12,000 farmers across the country.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/1-Aug-2013

Islami Bank stung by shipbuilder

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Jul 31 2013 08:40 am

Cancellation of export orders worth $89.40 million or about Tk 700 crore of Ananda Shipyard and Slipways has left its financier, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd (IBBL), in a sticky situation.

Earlier in 2007, Ananda received orders from German and Singaporean buyers for eight ships, to be delivered between September 2009 and December 2010. The local shipbuilder, however, failed to stick to the lead time, which made the buyers withdraw the orders.

Consequently, IBBL had to honour its performance bonds and refund guarantees worth $58.71 million, according to Bangladesh Bank.

It is also facing charges from the central bank—from violations of guidelines for foreign currency transactions to inadequate collateral.

As is practice in shipbuilding contracts, the purchaser is required to pay instalments to the yard in advance of delivery of the vessel, and to secure those instalments,

the shipyard is required to provide a ‘refund guarantee’ from a bank.

The bank undertakes the responsibility that if the purchaser ends the contract for good reason or if the builder for any reason fails to refund the advance instalments, it will reimburse the amount on the builder’s behalf.

Performance bond, essentially, is a surety bond issued by a bank to guarantee satisfactory completion of a project by a contractor.

But IBBL disputed the figures quoted by BB. It said it has issued performance bond worth $2.39 million and refund guarantee $31.69 million. On the other hand, it has received advance payments of $31.69 million from the buyers.

Ananda’s total liabilities with IBBL now stand at Tk 456.34 crore, and BB in June instructed the bank to make provisions against the sum.

The central bank also instructed IBBL to take administrative actions against the responsible officials of the bank, including the then managing director,

Karwan Bazar branch manager and credit committee members, and let it know of the progress by July 31.

“Export orders were cancelled due to Ananda’s failure to deliver the ships on time. We found no bad intention on the part of the borrowers,”

Mohammad Abdul Mannan, managing director of IBBL, told The Daily Star.

He said the loans were extended to Ananda after assessing the shipbuilder’s ability to execute the orders.
Abdullahel Bari, the owner of Ananda, however said the buyers cancelled the order in May 2009, saying they were impacted by the recession.

“I did nothing wrong. I’ll pay back the bank in 10 years,” he said, adding that the recession has wiped off a good deal of value from his ships. As per banking rules,

Ananda now stands to become a defaulter.

In December 2012, the High Court ordered the central bank and the IBBL not to list Ananda as a defaulter and on January 13 this year, it extended the validity of the order for four months and by another four months in a ruling on May 7.

News:Daily Star Bangladesh/31-July-2013
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