
National Bank gets independent director

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, May 14 2014 01:12 pm

Md Mahbubur Rahman Khan has been appointed as new independent director of National Bank Ltd recently, says a press release. Prior to this appointment, he was a board member of the same bank from 2003 to 2005.
Mahbubur Rahman is a director of Faridpur chamber of commerce and Industry and also a member of FBCCI and regional chairman of Lions Club. Rahman, managing director of Himalaya Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd, and Hotel Rifles Inn, has 30 years of experience in real estate and export import.

News:The Independent/14-May-2014

New private banks out of default loan danger

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, May 14 2014 12:55 pm

Most of the new banks have brought fund at higher cost while they provided loan at 7% to 8% rate of interest

The nine new commercial banks have no default loans during the October-December quarter of 2013 as their disbursed loans were little as compared to other commercial banks, Bangladesh Bank officials said.

Most of the new banks have brought fund at higher cost while they provided loan at 7% to 8% rate of interest, said a senior executive of a new commercial bank.

“Our chairman directed collecting enough fund and give more loan to the potential clients to increase the loan amount of the banks.”

Bangladesh Bank released the classified loan data for the second

quarter of 2013-14 fiscal year on Thursday last.

Default loans in banks rose by 1.52 percentage point or Tk7,589 crore in the first quarter this year, compared to the quarter that ended in December last year.

The amount went up as the classified loans of the banks that misused due to a relaxed policy Bangladesh Bank introduced for borrowers, who were affected by political turmoil last year.

On March 31, the total amount of default loans in banks was Tk48,172 crore or 10.45% of the total outstanding loans, according to Bangladesh Bank statistics. On December 31 last year, the amount was Tk40,583 crore or 8.93% of the total outstanding loans.

The total outstanding loan of Union Bank is Tk1,085 crore and there was no default loan at end of December 2013 .

South Bangla Agricultural and Commerce Bank’s outstanding loan is Limited Tk459.57 crore, NBR Commercial Bank Limited Tk688 crore , Meghna Bank Limited Tk248 crore , Midland Bank Limited Tk282 crore , The Farmers Bank Limited Tk105 crore , NRB Bank Limited Tk94 crore , Modhumoti Bank Tk53 crore  and NRB Global Bank Limited Tk370 crore.

Managing director of a new bank said new banks have failed to collect enough fund from the market because of sluggish economic situation. He said they have taken caution while lending to the potential clients.

The central bank approved nine new banks in two phases in 2013 to take the country’s total number of scheduled banks to 56, of which, 39 are private, nine foreign and eight are state-owned. The new banks were established with Tk400 crore of paid-up capital each.

Following the nationalisation of banks after the country’s independence in 1971, the government awarded licences to private banks at first in 1983. The second set of such banks were allowed in 1995 and the third set in 2001.

News:Dhaka Tribune/14-May-2014

Banks' dividends fail to lift investor confidence

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, May 14 2014 11:23 am

All but one listed banks have announced dividends for 2013 in a mixed trend that failed to lift investor confidence in banking shares.
Of the 30 listed banks, 13 declared higher dividends than in the previous year, eight announced lower dividends, and eight the same, according to Dhaka Stock Exchange.
With the mixed trend in dividend declaration, the banking shares were unable to draw the investors' attention in the last couple of months, as corporate declarations from the sector could not fulfil retail investors' expectations.
Although the banking sector accounts for around 20 percent, the highest, of the total market capitalisation, the sector's turnover was around 10 percent in the last couple of months.
Fuel and power, pharmaceuticals, engineering and multinational sectors performed better than the banking sector during the period.
Dutch-Bangla Bank came up with the highest amount of dividends—40 percent cash—for its general shareholders. ICB Islamic Bank gave no dividends.
Although 2013 was a tough year for banks as business activities were hampered by political unrest, the central bank move of relaxing loan provisioning rules at the yearend helped them recover losses, a banker said.
Provision, essentially, is an expense for banks to account for future losses on loan defaults.

But Bangladesh Bank had asked lenders to reconsider loan rescheduling and down payments until June this year on a case-by-case basis for borrowers in all sectors affected by political instability.
With the BB move, the banks saw a big jump in their earnings in the fourth quarter compared to the previous three quarters.
“The dividends would have been much lower had the provisioning rules not been relaxed,” said Anis A Khan, managing director of Mutual Trust Bank.
He said the banks' income from lending business declined in 2013 than the previous year due mainly to the political volatility. “But we managed to maintain the growth in our balance sheet with income from investment in government treasury bonds, efficiency and cost effective measures,” he said.

News:The Daily Star/14-May-2014
Most of the new banks have brought fund at higher cost while they provided loan at 7% to 8% rate of interest - See more at:
Most of the new banks have brought fund at higher cost while they provided loan at 7% to 8% rate of interest - See more at:

All but one listed banks have announced dividends for 2013 in a mixed trend that failed to lift investor confidence in banking shares.
Of the 30 listed banks, 13 declared higher dividends than in the previous year, eight announced lower dividends, and eight the same, according to Dhaka Stock Exchange.
With the mixed trend in dividend declaration, the banking shares were unable to draw the investors' attention in the last couple of months, as corporate declarations from the sector could not fulfil retail investors' expectations.
Although the banking sector accounts for around 20 percent, the highest, of the total market capitalisation, the sector's turnover was around 10 percent in the last couple of months.
Fuel and power, pharmaceuticals, engineering and multinational sectors performed better than the banking sector during the period.
Dutch-Bangla Bank came up with the highest amount of dividends—40 percent cash—for its general shareholders. ICB Islamic Bank gave no dividends.
Although 2013 was a tough year for banks as business activities were hampered by political unrest, the central bank move of relaxing loan provisioning rules at the yearend helped them recover losses, a banker said.
Provision, essentially, is an expense for banks to account for future losses on loan defaults.

But Bangladesh Bank had asked lenders to reconsider loan rescheduling and down payments until June this year on a case-by-case basis for borrowers in all sectors affected by political instability.
With the BB move, the banks saw a big jump in their earnings in the fourth quarter compared to the previous three quarters.
“The dividends would have been much lower had the provisioning rules not been relaxed,” said Anis A Khan, managing director of Mutual Trust Bank.
He said the banks' income from lending business declined in 2013 than the previous year due mainly to the political volatility. “But we managed to maintain the growth in our balance sheet with income from investment in government treasury bonds, efficiency and cost effective measures,” he said.

Mercantile Bank holds business review meeting

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, May 14 2014 11:06 am

Md. Abdul Jalil Chowdhury and Monindra Kumar Nath, Additional Managing Directors, Md. Quamrul Islam Chowdhury, Mohammad Masoom and Mati-Ul-Hasan, Deputy Managing Directors of Mercantile Bank Limited, are seen at the "Quarterly Business Performance Review Meeting–2014" at a hotel in Dhaka recently.
The "Quarterly Business Performance Review Meeting–2014" of Mercantile Bank Limited was held at a hotel in Dhaka recently.

The review meeting was participated by head of Dhaka city branches and cluster heads of head office, said a press release.
News:Daily Sun/14-May-2014

BB to issue new CSR guidelines for FIs

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, May 13 2014 04:01 pm

The central bank plans to issue new corporate social responsibility (CSR) guidelines for the country’s financial institutions (FIs) with a view to expanding their benevolent activities effectively for advancing inclusive, environmentally sustainable socio-economic progress of the country. Bangladesh Bank (BB) will issue the new CSR guidelines for the financial and non-financial banking institutions very soon, said the central bank governor Dr Atiur Rahman while addressing the launching ceremony of ‘Report on CSR in Bangladesh 2014 Bangladesh’ at a city hotel, organised by CSR Centre.
The governor called upon the FIs to take more initiatives for social responsible financing taking into considers the global urgency.
“It is a global survival urgency in the face of looming risks from social inequity, environmental degradation, and climate change threats arising mostly from the global economic output practices”, said the governor.
The governor also instructed the banks and the non-bank financial institutions to strictly follow the environmental risk management guidelines of the central bank. The central bank is monitoring the risk management activities of the FIs on a regular basis, he also said.
It is very agreeable that every financial institutions in the country are maintaining their own CSR strategies under the instructions of the central bank”, said the governor. In December 2010, the central bank instructed the banks to establish separate CSR desk to play special attention to this issue, he said.
The CSR initiatives of banks and financial institutions have expanded several folds over the past few years, said the governor adding that the CSR expenditure by FIs stood at Tk 447 crore as against 50 crore in 2009, he also added.
The inaugural session was addressed among by CSR Centre chairperson Farooq Sobhan and the European Union Ambassador William Hanna.

News:The Independent/14-May-2014
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