FSIBL signs deal with RanksTel

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:03 am

Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL, and Abul K Shamsuddin, Chief Operation Officer of RanksTel, exchange documents after signing an agreement in Dhaka recently.

First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) signed a corporate agreement with RanksTel Limited in Dhaka recently.

As per the agreement, the postpaid customers and dealers of RanksTel will be able to pay bills and deposit money from anywhere in the country, said a press release.

Syed Waseque Md Ali, Deputy Managing Director of FSIBL, and Abul K Shamsuddin, Chief Operation Officer of RanksTel, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/17-Feb-2013

Banks’ classified loans rise alarmingly

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, Feb 17 2013 04:31 am

Banks’ non-performing loans (NPL), also known as classified credits, have increased alarmingly, which implies low base of assets, capital and income of the banks, according to Bangladesh Bank (BB) sources.

Statistics released by the central bank Thursday showed that non-performing loans both in state-run and private banks stood at 10.03 percent of the total outstanding loans of the banks at end of the year 2012.

The amount of classified loans stood at 6.12 percent of bank’s total outstanding loans in December 2011.

Total classified loans of banks stood at Tk 427.25 billion at the end of 2012, up from Tk 226.44 billion during the same period a year ago.

Out of total classified loans, the share of four state-owned banks is Tk 215.15 billion for 2012.

“The increase in NPL is alarming for the banking sector. It implies low base of capital adequacy, weakened banks’ asset and lessen profitability of banks,” a BB official said Saturday.

BB data shows that the recovery of industrial terms loans in the first quarter of the current financial year (FY) was Tk 81.91 billion.

During July-January period of this fiscal, the recovery of farm loans stood at Tk 79.52 billion.

A high official of a private bank, however, claimed that the increase in classified loans was because of the tightened rules enforced by the central bank effective from October 2012.

“The BB has curtailed timeline for rescheduling and provisioning loans which resulted in broadening the amount of non-performing loans,” said the official, seeking anonymity.

A BB official, while replaying to this comment, said the central bank had to go for enforcement of the tightening rules to comply with international standards.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/17-Feb-2013

11 banks hold 74.25pc classified loan

Posted by BankInfo on Sat, Feb 16 2013 05:13 am

The country’s 11 banks held 74.25 per cent default loans of the banking sector as of December 31, 2012 as a significant amount of loans has been classified by the banks due to recent banking scams, said Bangladesh Bank officialis

The 11 banks including four state-owned banks and three specialised banks are Sonali Bank, Janata Bank, Agrani Bank, Rupali Bank, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, BASIC Bank, Islami Bank Bangladesh, ICB Islamic Bank, Pubali Bank, and The City Bank, according the latest BB data.
Six banks out of the 11 banks also failed to keep required provisioning against the classified loans due to the liquidity shortfall.

The classified loans in the 11 banks had stood at Tk 31,724.20 crore, or 74.25 per cent of the total classified loan in the banking sector as of December 31, 2012.

A BB official told New Age on Thursday that the classified loan in the 11 banks had increased significantly in the second half of 2012 as they had to compel to classify a big amount of loan due to the scams in their banks.

Classified loan in the 11 banks have increased by 56.82 per cent to Tk 31,724.20 crore as of December 31, 2012 from Tk 20,224.42 crore as of June 30, 2012. 

The amount of classified loans in the overall banking sector had increased by 88.67 per cent from Tk 22,644 crore in 2011 to Tk 42,725.51 crore in 2012.
Classified loans in the four SCBs increased to Tk 21,514.90 crore as of December 31 from Tk 11,772.27 crore as on June 30.

Classified loans of four specialised banks increased to Tk 7,330.45 crore as of December 31 from Tk 6,190.60 crore as of June 30.
The official said that the banking sector in the concluded year had affected with a number of scams including Hallmark Group-Sonali Bank swindle case.

A BB investigation revealed that Sonali Bank’s Ruposhi Bangla Hotel Branch lent Tk 3,606 crore to Hallmark Group and five other companies between 2010 and May 2012 against fake letters of credit.
Sonali Bank has classified around Tk 2,600 crore of the amount of Tk 3,606 crore in the last quarter of 2012, the official said.

Similarly, a number of banks have classified a big amount of loans in the period due to the different scams in coping with the BB regulations, he said.

In 2012, six banks out of the 11 banks had failed to maintain the required provision against the classified loan. The banks are Sonali Bank, Agrani Bank, Rupali Bank, ICB Islamic Bank, BKB, and RAKUB, said another BB official.

According to the BB regulations, banks have to keep 20 per cent provision against the classified loan of Sub-Standard category, 50 per cent for Doubtful category and 100 per cent for Bad or Loss category.

The BB data showed that the provision shortfall of Sonali Bank was Tk 2,340.70 crore, Tk 1,266.80 crore for Agrani Bank, Tk 125.94 crore for Rupali Bank, Tk 42.96 crore for ICB Islamic Bank, Tk 1,394.84 crore for BKB, Tk 244.10 crore for RAKUB and Tk 1,618.96 crore for BASIC Bank.

The official said the latest master circulars on loan provision and classification imposed by the BB had pushed the provision shortfall of the banks.

The overall shortfall of provision in the banking sector stood at Tk 5,262.40 crore at the end of 2012, the BB data showed.

News:The New nation Bangladesh/16-Feb-2013

Commerce Bank gets new chairman

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Feb 14 2013 04:47 am

Md Yousuf Ali Hawlader has been elected chairman of Bangladesh Commerce Bank for 2013-2016, the bank said in a statement yesterday.

Hawlader started his career as senior officer with the then Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd in 1966.

He has served as deputy managing director and managing director (current charge) of Sonali Bank.

Hawlader has also been a director of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh Ltd.

News:The Daily Star Bangladesh/14-Feb-2013

BB steps up anti-fraud measures

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Feb 14 2013 04:30 am

The central bank has considerably shored up its precautionary measures to contain fraudulent activities in response to the recent banking scams, its governor said yesterday.

A Bangladesh Bank (BB) study on the scams -- titled Material Loss Review (MLR) -- found that bank managers failed to adhere to simple review methods like know your customer (KYC), credit risk grading (CRG), anti-money laundering provisions, among others.

They also demonstrated major lapses and deficiencies in their credit administration, risk management and internal control and compliance functions.

“As per the recommendations of MLR, BB has considerably tightened its onsite and offsite vigilance on risk management, corporate governance, internal controls and internal audit functions in banks,” said BB Governor Atiur Rahman.

The central bank has also reconstituted the state-owned banks' boards of directors with “fit and proper” persons, he added.

An online electronic supervision dashboard bringing together a range of live transactions data from banks and provide warning signs of potentially fraudulent transactions, has been put in place, too.

“The foreign exchange transactions modules of the supervision dashboard are already operational and in use by BB and the banks,” said Rahman.

He urged the top management to monitor all letters of credit (L/C) transactions by their respective branches so that they can immediately track any suspected fraud and take preventive measures.

The central bank governor advised all banks to open L/Cs (both foreign and local) through SWIFT [Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication] to prevent fraud.

“I hope these disciplines will be adhered to in right earnest and the banks succeed in keeping themselves largely free of insider abuses and frauds.”

Rahman's comments came at an interactive session on international trade fraud, organised by the International Chamber of Commerce, Bangladesh (ICCB) at MCCI in Dhaka yesterday.

“We have arranged this session with the higher-ups of banks and the BB governor to discuss the modalities for detection and prevention of such fraud,” said ICCB President Mahbubur Rahman.

“International trade has been a major driver of growth, and the world today is significantly more dependent on it. But commercial crime is growing faster than international trade. Frauds are more complex and involve larger sums than ever before."

Mamun Rashid, chairman of ICCB's standing committee on banking, techniques and practices, urged all bank executives, specially the trade professionals, to further review the existing trade undertaking, processing and settlement model.

P Mukundan, director and chief of ICC-Commercial Crime Services, said International Maritime Bureau can work closely with BB and commercial banks to develop a system for detection and prevention of fraud.

He urged banks to check the balance sheet and have collateral before opening of any account of its clients as well as for opening of L/Cs.

News:The Daily Star Bangladesh/14-Feb-2013
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