Southeast Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2-9571115, 7160866, 9555466, 7173793
Fax: +880-2-9550093
Email: info@southeastbank.com.bd
Special Notice Deposit (SND) Account
Special Notice Deposit (SND) Account is an interest bearing deposit where advance notice is required for withdrawal. SND Account is very much similar to CD Account.
- Bank pays attractive interest.
- Personalized MICR Cheque Book is available.
- Nominal service charge.
- Any branch banking facility (Cash withdrawal and deposit from any branch)
- Bank accepts and supports Standing Instructions.
- Nomination facility is available to nominate beneficiary for account proceeds.
- Interest is payable on half yearly basis.
- Charge free statement of A/C, Balance Confirmation Certificate twice in a year on half yearly / yearly basis.
- Option is available to collect e - Statement on monthly basis.
- Personalized MICR Cheque Book is available.
- Nominal service charge.
- Any branch banking facility (Cash withdrawal and deposit from any branch)
- Bank accepts and supports Standing Instructions.
- Nomination facility is available to nominate beneficiary for account proceeds.
- Interest is payable on half yearly basis.
- Charge free statement of A/C, Balance Confirmation Certificate twice in a year on half yearly / yearly basis.
- Option is available to collect e - Statement on monthly basis.
Interest Rate
For Banks and NBFIs : 4.50%
For Customers
- 5.00% For Below Tk. 1.00 Crore
- 5.25% For Tk. 1.00 Crore & above but below Tk. 25.00 Crore
- 5.25% For Tk. 25.00 Crore & above but below Tk. 50.00 Crore
- 5.50% For Tk. 50.00 Crore & above but below Tk.
For Customers
- 5.00% For Below Tk. 1.00 Crore
- 5.25% For Tk. 1.00 Crore & above but below Tk. 25.00 Crore
- 5.25% For Tk. 25.00 Crore & above but below Tk. 50.00 Crore
- 5.50% For Tk. 50.00 Crore & above but below Tk.
- SND Account can be opened both for Individual and Corporate bodies.
- SND Account can be opened both for resident and non - resident Bangladeshi Nationals.
- Age bar for Personal SND Account: 18 years or above.
- Joint account can be opened.
- Minor
- SND Account can be opened both for resident and non - resident Bangladeshi Nationals.
- Age bar for Personal SND Account: 18 years or above.
- Joint account can be opened.
- Minor
Applicants must satisfy the following documentation requirements:
Personal Banking
Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License.
Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly atteste
Personal Banking
Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License.
Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly atteste
Supporting Documents
Applicants must satisfy the following documentation requirements:
Personal Banking:
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License.
- Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly attested by the introducer.
- Certified document(s) for source of income.
- Tax Certificate.
- Proof of communication address: Photocopy of an Electricity Bill / Gas Bill / Wasa Bill / Telephone Bill.
- The account requires to be introduced by an existing and satisfactory account holder of Southeast Bank Limited.
- Nominee form and photograph of nominee(s) (signature attested by the account holder). In case of minor nominee, copy of the birth certificate and photograph required;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile.
- KYC Form.
Corporate Banking:
Sole Proprietorship Concern:
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Declaration for opening foreign currency account duly filled in and signed;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory attested by the introducer.
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License.
- Sole Proprietorship Declaration;
- Official Seal;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form
Partnership Concern:
- Copy of Partnership Deed of the Firm (Registered / At least notarized);
- Firm Registration Certificate (if registered);
- List of Partners with their addresses;
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Resolution of the partners of the firm for opening the account and authorization for its operation duly certified by managing partner of the firm;
- Official Seal;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form
Private Limited Company:
- Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation;
- Certified true copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company duly attached;
- Certified true copy of Certificate of Commencement;
- Certified true copy of Form XII of the company;
- Extract of the Resolution of the Board Meeting of the Company for opening the account and authorization of its operation duly certified by the Chairman / Managing Director of the Company;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non-residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- List of Directors with addresses;
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Official Seal with designation;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form;
Public Limited Company:
- Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation;
- Certified true copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company duly attached;
- Certified true copy of Form XII of the company;
- Extract of the Resolution of the Board Meeting of the Company for opening the account and authorization of its operation duly certified by the Chairman / Managing Director of the Company;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- List of Directors with addresses;
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Official Seal with designation;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form;
Trusts / Clubs / Associations / Societies / Co - operatives / NGO / Non - trading Concerns:
- Certified true copy of the constitution / By - Laws / Trust Deed / Memorandum and Articles of Association;
- Certificate of Registration of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co - operative / NGO / Non - trading concern for inspection and return (along with a duly certified photocopy for Bank’s records);
- List of members of the Governing Body / Executive Committee of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co-operative / NGO / Non - trading concern with their addresses;
- Extract of Resolution of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co - operative / NGO / Non - trading concern for opening the account and authorization of its operation duly certified by the Chairman / Secretary of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co-operative / NGO / Non - trading concern etc.
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non-residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Official Seal mentioning designation
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form
Personal Banking:
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License.
- Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly attested by the introducer.
- Certified document(s) for source of income.
- Tax Certificate.
- Proof of communication address: Photocopy of an Electricity Bill / Gas Bill / Wasa Bill / Telephone Bill.
- The account requires to be introduced by an existing and satisfactory account holder of Southeast Bank Limited.
- Nominee form and photograph of nominee(s) (signature attested by the account holder). In case of minor nominee, copy of the birth certificate and photograph required;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile.
- KYC Form.
Corporate Banking:
Sole Proprietorship Concern:
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Declaration for opening foreign currency account duly filled in and signed;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory attested by the introducer.
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License.
- Sole Proprietorship Declaration;
- Official Seal;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form
Partnership Concern:
- Copy of Partnership Deed of the Firm (Registered / At least notarized);
- Firm Registration Certificate (if registered);
- List of Partners with their addresses;
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Resolution of the partners of the firm for opening the account and authorization for its operation duly certified by managing partner of the firm;
- Official Seal;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form
Private Limited Company:
- Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation;
- Certified true copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company duly attached;
- Certified true copy of Certificate of Commencement;
- Certified true copy of Form XII of the company;
- Extract of the Resolution of the Board Meeting of the Company for opening the account and authorization of its operation duly certified by the Chairman / Managing Director of the Company;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non-residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- List of Directors with addresses;
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Official Seal with designation;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form;
Public Limited Company:
- Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation;
- Certified true copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company duly attached;
- Certified true copy of Form XII of the company;
- Extract of the Resolution of the Board Meeting of the Company for opening the account and authorization of its operation duly certified by the Chairman / Managing Director of the Company;
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- List of Directors with addresses;
- Copy of valid Trade License;
- Official Seal with designation;
- Tax Certificate;
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form;
Trusts / Clubs / Associations / Societies / Co - operatives / NGO / Non - trading Concerns:
- Certified true copy of the constitution / By - Laws / Trust Deed / Memorandum and Articles of Association;
- Certificate of Registration of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co - operative / NGO / Non - trading concern for inspection and return (along with a duly certified photocopy for Bank’s records);
- List of members of the Governing Body / Executive Committee of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co-operative / NGO / Non - trading concern with their addresses;
- Extract of Resolution of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co - operative / NGO / Non - trading concern for opening the account and authorization of its operation duly certified by the Chairman / Secretary of the Association / Club / Charity / Trust / Society / Co-operative / NGO / Non - trading concern etc.
- Recent passport size photograph(s) of signatory / signatories attested by the introducer. (Photograph(s) of the signatory / signatories of non - residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport / Voter I.D. Card / National I.D. Card / Driving License. (Photocopy of valid Passport of the signatory of non-residents of Bangladesh shall be attested by the their respective Embassy / Mission authority);
- Official Seal mentioning designation
- Personal Information Form.
- Transaction Profile;
- KYC Form
Mother Account (IPO): Will be fixed upon approval from Head Office on case to case basis.