
BB to become role model or central banks globally

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, Nov 25 2013 09:50 am

Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman on Sunday said, the central bank, for its financial inclusion efforts, would become a role model for many central banks of the globe in a few years.

“In the last few years, you might have noticed that Bangladesh Bank has recalibrated its focus from traditional central banking to a comprehensive, all-encompassing effort at financial inclusion and financial stability,” said Dr Atiur Rahman at the Annual Banking Conference 2013. “The day is not too far away that Bangladesh Bank would be considered as a role model as other central banks would intend to replicate the financial inclusion initiatives of the Bangladesh Bank,” he said.

He said the banking system is playing an important role in running the economy smoothly and thus helping the process of inclusive growth, which is the ultimate objective of the central bank.

Over the last few years, BB has been relentlessly pursuing to attain the expected economic growth through mass participation by emphasising on bringing a large segment of the population who are still un-served or underserved by the banking system into the network, Dr Atiur noted.

“Thus, people like sharecroppers, women entrepreneurs, marginal farmers who did not have access to credit before are now getting financing facilities without hassles and at affordable interest rates,” he said.

In the last few years, stress was also given on adequate financing for agriculture and allied activities, SMEs by promoting green banking and mobile banking and also financial services throughout the country, the Governor mentioned. Pointing out that no-frill bank accounts brought many goods for lower segment of the society, he said, the BB was moving towards activating these accounts by providing smaller loans under refinance schemes.

About improving supervisory capacity of the BB in the face of some recent financial irregularities, he said the BB has started introducing strategic changes in its existing supervision techniques for ensuring financial stability in the banking sector.

News:Daily Sun/25-Nov-2013

BASIC Bank opens branch at Ishwarganj

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, Nov 25 2013 09:48 am

The state-owned BASIC Bank Limited opened its 65th branch at Ishwarganj in Mymensing with online facilities on Saturday.

MA Sattar, MP, Mymensing-8 constituency inaugurated the branch while Sheikh Abdul Hye Bacchu, Chairman, BASIC Bank Limited was present as chief guest, said a press release.

Md Ruhul Alam, General Manager, BASIC Bank, moderated the function where Kazi Faqurul Islam, Managing Director of the bank presided over.

While speaking Sheikh Abdul Hye Bacchu, Chairman, BASIC Bank Limited said people consider BASIC bank as safe as it is wholly owned by the government. As a result, deposits with the bank have increased gradually.

News:Daily Sun/25-Nov-2013

EXIM Bank opens branch in Savar

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, Nov 25 2013 09:46 am

The 78th branch of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited (EXIM Bank) was inaugurated at Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka on Saturday.

Dr. Mohammed Haider Ali Miah, Managing Director and CEO of EXIM Bank inaugurated the branch as chief guest, said a press release.

Firoz Kabir, Upazila Chairman, Savar, M. Fariduddin Ahmed, Advisor, M. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Managing Director and Khondoker Rumy Ehsanul Haq senior executive of the bank, Shamsul Alam, MD, Abul Kashem, DMD of AKH Group and local elites were also present on the occasion.

News:Daily Sun/25-Nov-2013

SBAC Bank holds seminar

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, Nov 25 2013 09:44 am

South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce (SBAC) Bank Limited recently organised a seminar to exchange opinion and views among its officials.

Officials of various level of the bank attended at the seminar held at the corporate office of the bank, said a press release.

SM Amzad Hossain, Chairman of the bank was present at the meeting as the chief guest.

Md. Rafiqul Islam, Managing Director and CEO of the bank presided over the meeting.

Md Ghulam Nabi and Harun-ar-Rashid, Executive Vice Presidents of the bank were also present on the occasion.

News:Daily Sun/25-Nov-2013

Bank Asia holds training course

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, Nov 25 2013 09:41 am

A four-day-long training course on “Cash Management" was organised by Bank Asia Limited at Institute for Training and Development at Rangs Bhaban at Tejgoan in Dhaka recently.

The training course organised for the newly-recruited 29 tellers in an effort to improve their professional efficiency, said a press release.

Md. Mehmood Husain, President and Managing Director of the bank handed over the certificates to the participants at the concluding ceremony of the training programme.

Humaira Azam, Deputy Managing Director, Badruddin Ahmed, Training Counselor, Mamun Mahmud SVP and Head of HRD and Md. Azharul Islam, Vice President and Head of Training, were also present.

News:Daily Sun/25-Nov-2013

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