Expansion of RAKUB stressed
Banking activities of the Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) should be more intensified for the sake of boosting agricultural production in the country’s northwest region. Besides, all the existing agricultural potential sectors should be brought under qualitative and quantitative financing to attain the goal of economic emancipation.
News: The Independent/ Bangladesh/ May-19-2011
NCC Bank plans expansion of agri-finance operations
National Credit and Commercial Bank Limited (NCC Bank) unveiled its priority plans in the current fiscal year at a press conference in the city recently.
According to the plans, the bank will adopt ‘area approach’ in agri-financing schemes. Ex-panding its agri-loan coverage area, it will expand its agri-financing operation in Cox’s Bazar and Laxmipur.
The press conference was arranged on the occasion of the bank’s 18th year’s completion at Jatiya Press Club in the city.
The bank will also open SME and agri-branches at rural areas across the country. The branches will operate banking activities including disbursing loans among women entrepreneurs without security deposit. Moreover, the bank planned to open six branches including 100 ATM booths at urban areas in the country during the current fiscal.
NCC Bank Vice President Md Harunur Rashid, Managing Dire-ctor and CEO Mohammed Nurul Amin, Additional Managing Director Golam Hafiz Ahmed, among others, were present on the occasion.
Besides agri-loan, the bank would disburse credit to purchase irrigation machinery, crops cutting and crushing machines. It will also provide loans for purchasing of drugging of ponds and foods for fishes.
In livestock sector, the bank would disburse loan for cow, dairy farm, poultry farm to develop the country’s dairy farm.
As part of its given importance in cluster financing the bank is providing finance to the shoe industries at Kaluhati in Rajshahi district, small garment industry in Syedpur, handloom industry of Tangail and farmers of Baralekha.
The bank will build new networks to provide loans through mobile banking. It will set up an exchange house in UK to increase remittance flow in the country.
NCC Bank started its operation in November 25, 1985.
News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-19-2011
IBBL approves 35pc stock dividend
Islami bank Bangladesh Limited has approved 35 per cent stock dividend in its 28th Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre, Dhaka. Prof. Abu Nasser Muhammad Abduz Zaher, chairman, board of directors of the bank presided over the meeting and approved balance sheet up to 31st December 2010, profit and loss account and reports of the directors and auditors, says a press release.
Md Dawood Khan, Md Shahidul Islam and Nazrul Islam were re-elected as directors and Mominul Islam Patwary was elected director of the bank. Earlier, Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) was held at the same venue. Authorized Capital of the Bank raised to Tk.2000 crore from Tk 1000 crore in the meeting.
Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali, president, Islamic Development Bank was present in the meeting. Dr Ahmad in his speech said that recently Islami Bank has become an active player on the international scene through cross-border strategic alliances with Islamic Bakns in Asia and Afria. Such initiatives will have far reaching effects in the development and consolidation of the Global Islamic Financial Industry.
News: The Independent/ Bangladesh/ May-19-2011
Trust Bank hands microbus to Proyas
Trust Bank Limited recently donated two microbuses to Proyas, an organisation working for the children with special needs, to its two branches in Jessore and Bogra.
The Trust Bank Limited donated the microbuses as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR), said a press release.
The bank handed over the keys of the microbuses to Proyas presidents of Jessore and Bogra branches.
Md Siddiqur Rahman, second vice-president of BGMEA, presided over the meeting at BGMEA office in the city yesterday, said a press release.
SM Mannan, vice president of BGMEA, Sheikh Atiar Rahman Dipu, director, Prof Aminul Islam, chairman of health related standing committee of BGMEA and directors and representatives of pharmaceutical companies were present.
Representatives from different pharmaceutical companies hailed the BGMEA leaders for their laudable steps for the welfare of RMG workers, the statement said.
BGMEA is currently operating 12 free-of-cost health care centres in the RMG industrial zones in Dhaka and Chittagong.
It also operates five schools across the country for the children of garment workers.
News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-19-2011
EBL, Sonali Bank sign remittance service deal
Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) and Sonali Bank Limited recently signed an agreement on draft drawing.
Under the agreement, EBL will disburse remittance to the beneficiaries as Demand Draft (DD) through the branches of Sonali Bank Limited to expedite payments to urban and rural areas of the country.
S. M. Akhtaruzzaman Chowdhury, head of Operations of EBL and Nawsher Ali Khandoker, General Manager of Sonali Bank, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective banks, said a press release.
EBL Managing Director and CEO Ali Reza Iftekhar and Sonali Bank Managing Director and CEO Md. Humayun Kabir were also present at the signing ceremony.
EBL Deputy Managing Directors-- M. Fakhrul Alam and Muklesur Rahman, Area Head of Corporate Banking--Syed Rafiqul Haq, Head of ID Md. Obaidul Islam, Sonali Bank Deputy General Manager Sheikh Altaf Hossain along with other senior executives of both the banks also attended the ceremony.
News:Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-19-2011