
NBL holds course for officers

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, May 24 2011 06:06 am

National Bank Limited launched the 41st batch of foundation training course for probationary officers at i’s training institute recently.

Neaz Ahmed, managing director and CEO of the bank, A S M Bulbul, deputy managing director were present as chief guest and special guest respectively. 29 probationary officers of the bank participated in the training programme, said a press release.

Neaz Ahmed urged the probationary officers to work with sincerity to build up their banking career as glorious one. In his speech, he induced the young officers to play a vital role in nation’s economy through employing this training expertise in their day to day banking activities.

Md Majibur Rahman, Principal of the training institute, Zahir Uddin Mohd. Babar, senior faculty member were also present.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-24-2011

SIBL gets new chairman and vice chairmen

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, May 24 2011 06:02 am

Alhaj Anwer Hossain Khan was unanimously elected Chairman of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd recently.

The board of directors of the bank elected him as the chairman at its 133rd meeting, said a press release.

The meeting also elected Alhaj Md Harun Miah and Alhaj Khandoker Sakib Ahmed as as the vice chairmen of the bank.

Anwer Hossain Khan, a leading businessman of the country, was born in a noble muslim family at Purbabigha under Ramgonj upazila in Luxmipur.

He is the chairman and managing director of Modern Diagnostic Centre Ltd, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College, Anwer Khan Modern Hospital and Haji Sakawat Anwara Modern Eye Hospital, the statement said.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-24-2011

Deal with WB on $137m credit signed

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, May 23 2011 06:22 am

The Government has signed a US$ 137.60 million credit deal with the World Bank for the Bangladesh Private Sector Development Support Project (PSDSP).

Economic Relations Division (ERD) Secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan and World Bank Country Director Ellen Goldstein put the pen on the agreement at NEC-II conference room in city’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar on Sunday.

Under the agreement, the World Bank will provide US$ 120 million as soft loan while the Department for International Development (DFID) of the UK would provide U$ 17.60 million as grant to Bangladesh for the PSDSP. DFID will provide the grant through World Bank.

In partnership with the UK-DFID, the project will facilitate investment to set up special economic zones for the emerging manufacturing and services sectors of the economy with the aim to create more jobs.

WB country director Ellen Goldstein said the project will address the lack of serviced land and quality infrastructure that hampers private sector development in Bangladesh.

“It will also serve as a platform for a stronger integration between exporters and domestic suppliers,” she said.

ERD secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said economic Zones will create increased linkages with the domestic economy by broadening country’s of operating Export Processing Zones.

The government’s new Economic Zone policy is built on the success of its EPZs which began in the 1980s that today employs nearly 292,000 people.

The World Bank Group has supported the Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority, both in terms of physical investment to create new zones as well as institutional strengthening.

Economic zones would support infrastructure to the manufacturing sector and streamline the procedures for setting up and operating manufacturing and service industries. EPZs have contributed to rapid growth of exports worth US$2.9 billion last year, ERD sources said.

Setting up of economic zones will accelerate economic growth to help Bangladesh reduce poverty from 40 percent to 15 percent by 2021, the source added.

The WB supported project will support the government in establishing economic zones and provide financing for off-site infrastructure, starting with the Kaliakoir Hi-Tech Park.

The credit from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessional arm, has 40 years term to mature, including a 10-year grace period; and carries a service charge of 0.75 percent.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-23-2011

Seminar on Islamic banking, economic crisis

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, May 23 2011 06:20 am

Islamic Banks Consultative Forum (IBCF), a platform for all Bangladeshi Islamic banks and conventional banks with Islamic banking window, is going to organize a seminar on Islamic banking system in the face of global economic crisis from May 24. President of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani will attend the inaugural session of the two-day long international seminar as chief guest. Dr Atiur Rahman, Governor Bangladesh Bank will join as special guest.
IBCF-Chairman Prof Abu Nasser Muhammad Abduz Zaher announced about the seminar on Sunday at press meet in presence of 11-forum members.
Calling Islamic Banking system as the only natural mode of doing business transaction, Mr Zaher said that more than 300 Islamic banks in all over the world manage US$20 trillion finance transaction. “Through this international seminar, we want to show the world how strong and safe our banking industry is from external influences,” he said explaining the motive of the seminar.
Managing director of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Abdul Mannan, EXIM Bank's Board Audit Committee Chairman AKM Nurul Fazal Bulbul, Managing Director of EXIM Bank Limited Kazi Mashiur Rahman Khan, Managing Director Social Islami Bank Limited Muhammad Ali and Head of Islamic banking division, AB Bank Md Fariduddin Ahmed were also present on the occasion.

News: The Independendr/ Bangladesh/ May-23-2011

Pubali Bank holds managers confce in Sylhet

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, May 23 2011 06:17 am

Pubali Bank Limited (PBL) recently organised a day-long ‘Managers Conference-2011’ to motivate the branch managers to increase bank’s business by rendering better services.

Hafiz Ahmed Mazumder MP, chairman, Board of Directors of the bank graced the conference as chief guest while director Moniruddin Ahmed and managing director Helal Ahmed Chowdhury were present as special guests. Regional manager of Sylhet Md Musaddique Chowdh- ury presided over the conference, said a press release.

Hafiz Ahmed Mazumder in his speech stressed on expansion of the bank’s foreign remittance business through improving customer banking services. He also advised all officials of the bank to work sincerely, look for new business avenues and adopt diversification and to take concerted efforts for achieving the target fixed for the year 2011.

Director of Pubali Bank Ltd Moniruddin Ahmed emphasised on expansion of the business at a very competitive price.

Managers, regional manager and high officials of the bank exchange views with the directors.

Helal Ahmed Chowd- hury stressed on selection of potential borrowers and urged officials for enhancing bank business. He emphasised on recovery of overdue, classified and write-off loan on priority basis. He advised regional heads and branch managers to keep close vigilence so that newly disbursed loans might not become overdue.

He advised all to work sincerely in raising remittance through best customer services. He underscored the need for increased utilisation of the modern Information Technology for qualitative improvement in the overall customer service of PBL as the bank has to operate in a highly competitive banking sector.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ May-23-2011

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