StanChart donates Tk 29 lakh to CRP for Rana Plaza victims

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Sep 05 2013 10:19 am

Abrar A Anwar, acting CEO of Standard Chartered Bangladesh, hands over a cheque worth Tk 2,900,000 to Md. Shafiq-ul Islam, Executive Director of CRP for the rehabilitation of the victims of Rana Plaza collapse at CRP at Savar recently.

Standard Chartered Bank, Bangladesh handed over a cheque worth Tk 2,900,000 to Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) for the victim’s of Savar Rana Plaza tragedy.

Abrar A Anwar, acting CEO of Standard Chartered Bangladesh along with Bitopi Das Chowdhury, Head of Corporate Affairs recently handed over a cheque to Md. Shafiq-ul-Islam, Executive Director of CRP.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/5-Spe-2013

Posted in Banking, News
