BB seeks support from municipality mayors to motivate SME entrepreneurs
Bangladesh Bank (BB) has sought support from mayors of municipalities across the country as part of its fresh move to identify small and medium entrepreneurs. “We’ve sent letter to mayors of municipalities Tuesday across the country requesting them to inform us about the real small entrepreneurs and industry cluster as the central bank is giving such entrepreneurs many incentives including advices and credit facilities,” said a central bank official.
Many small and medium entrepreneurs can easily take loan from banks but a good number of such entrepreneurs, especially those living in rural areas, are not availing this opportunity due to lack of information, the BB official added.
Earlier, the central bank sent letters to cambers and deputy commissioners across the country seeking their support about the small entrepreneurs.
Besides, the BB sent SMS (short message service) to subscribers of private cell-phone operators Grameen Phone and Airtel to inform them about the availability of bank loan for medium and small enterprise (SME).
“Entrepreneurs of the SME sector, especially those living in rural areas, borrow money at higher interest rate from rural lenders but banks are ready to give them loan with low interest.
We want to inform them about it,” said Sokomal Singha Chowdhury, general manager of the SME and Specialised Programmes Department.
“We’ll send letter to union parishad chairmen across the country seeking their support about it,” he added.
News: The Daily Independent/Bangladesh/13th-Dec-12
NCC Bank opens branch in Satkhira
Md. Nurun Newaz Salim, Chairman of NCC Bank Linited, inaugurates the 91st branch of the bank at Parulia in Satkhira Wednesday.
NCC Bank Limited has opened its 91st branch with online facility at Parulia in Satkhira Wednesday.
Md. Nurun Newaz Salim, Chairman of NCC Bank formally inaugurated the branch as chief guest, said a press release.
Mohammed Nurul Amin, Managing Director and CEO of the bank presided over the function while Khairul Alam Chaklader, Vice Chairman, MA Quasem and Kazi Monirul Alam, sponsors of the bank attended the function.
Debhata Upazila Chairman SM Golam Mostafa, Additional Managing Director Golam Hafiz Ahmed and Deputy Managing Director TM Faruque Chowdhury, local elites, businessmen and clients were also present.
News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/13th-Dec-12
PBL inks deal on money transfer with Placid NK
Md. Hasan Ali, General Manager of International Division of Pubali Bank Limited, and Mohammed H. Rashid Executive Vice President and CFO of Placid NK Corporation, exchange documents after signing an agreement in Dhaka Wednesday.
Pubali Bank Limited has signed a money-transfer agreement with Placid NK Corporation, USA, Wednesday.
Md. Hasan Ali, General Manager of International Division of Pubali Bank Limited and Mohammed H. Rashid Executive Vice President and CFO of Placid NK Corporation signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations in Dhaka, said a press release.
Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director, MA Halim Chowdhury, Additional Managing Director, Mohammad Ali, Chief Technical Officer of Pubali Bank, and Faroque Helaly, Relationship Manager of Placid NK Corporation were present.
Under the agreement, Bangladeshi expatriates in USA and other parts of the world will be able to remit their hard-earned foreign currency to their relatives and other stakeholders living in Bangladesh within a short time through Pubali Bank.
News: The Daily SunBangladesh/13th-Dec-12
BB wants mayors to motivate SME entrepreneurs
Bangladesh Bank (BB) has sought support from mayors of municipalities across the country as part of its fresh move to identify small and medium entrepreneurs.
“We’ve sent letter to mayors of municipalities Tuesday across the country requesting them to inform us about the real small entrepreneurs and industry cluster as the central bank is giving such entrepreneurs many incentives including advices and credit facilities,” said a central bank official.
Many small and medium entrepreneurs can easily take loan from banks but a good number of such entrepreneurs, especially those living in rural areas, are not availing this opportunity due to lack of information, the BB official added.
Earlier, the central bank sent letters to cambers and deputy commissioners across the country seeking their support about the small entrepreneurs.
News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/13th-Dec-12
IMF warns HK property faces price correction
The International Monetary Fund on Wednesday warned that Hong Kong could see an abrupt fall in property prices after years of dramatic increases in one of the world's most expensive housing markets.
Home prices in the Asian financial hub have skyrocketed 90 per cent since 2009 due to an influx of wealthy mainland Chinese buyers, pushing home- ownership beyond the reach of many of its seven million people.
"The sharp run-up in house prices raises the risk of an abrupt correction," the IMF said in its annual review of Hong Kong's economy.
"A sharp price correction would lead to falling collateral values and negative wealth effects, which could trigger an adverse feedback loop between economy activity, bank lending, and the property market.
"The property sector is the main source of domestic economic risk," the Washington-based organisation said.
It however said the chances of a price correction that is large enough to generate a major macroeconomic and financial consequences is "fairly low in the near term".
It also said the city's government recent bid to slap new taxes on residential properties "should help dampen housing demand" but urged Hong Kong to ensure sufficient supply in order to boost home affordability.
News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/13th-Dec-12