Agrani Bank Limited
Phone: 02-9551569, 9554497, 9561556, 9553064
Fax: 880-02-9566153-54
Email: agrani@agranibank.org, info@agranibank.org
Locker Service
For safekeeping of customers' valuables like important documents and goods like jewelries and gold ornaments, Agrani Locker Service is available in most of the Branches in urban areas.
Service name is Custody of Locker / Safe:
a) Yearly TK.900/= for small size locker.
b) Yearly TK.1200/= for medium size locker.
c) Yearly TK.1800/= for big size locker .
Service name is Custody of Locker / Safe:
a) Yearly TK.900/= for small size locker.
b) Yearly TK.1200/= for medium size locker.
c) Yearly TK.1800/= for big size locker .