Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd
Phone: +880-2-9563040(Auto Hunting), 9560099, 9567161,9567162, 9569417
Fax: +880-2-9564532, 9568634
Email: info@islamibankbd.com
Mudaraba Muhor Savings Deposit Scheme
- To help the people raising awareness about Muhor, a basic Islamic principle.
- To help the women protecting their basic rights determined by Allah.
- To help the women protecting their basic rights determined by Allah.
- Account may be transferred from one branch to another of the Bank at the written request of the account holder.
- Separate account number shall be allotted for each account.
- At the time of opening of the account the client has to give his specimen signature in a separate card.
- Separate account number shall be allotted for each account.
- At the time of opening of the account the client has to give his specimen signature in a separate card.
DPS Type
Minimum Installment
- This Scheme has been designed for all classes of people married particularly the professionals & service holders creating an opportunity for them to save in monthly instalments according to their capability for rectifying their marriage life and to prot