Bank Al-Falah Limited
Phone: +880-2-7168821-05
Fax: +880-2-9557413
Milkiat Finance
Salient Features:
- AMF 1,2 & 3 shall be repayable in 2-15 years whereas AMF-4 shall be repaid in 2-4 years.
- Mark up shall be (1 Year KIBOR + 4%)
- Monthly installments will be hassle free through post dated cheques.
- AMF shall be disbursed approximately within one month after completion of documentary requirements by you.
- The property being financed shall be mortgaged in favor of the bank.
- AMF 1,2 & 3 shall be repayable in 2-15 years whereas AMF-4 shall be repaid in 2-4 years.
- Mark up shall be (1 Year KIBOR + 4%)
- Monthly installments will be hassle free through post dated cheques.
- AMF shall be disbursed approximately within one month after completion of documentary requirements by you.
- The property being financed shall be mortgaged in favor of the bank.