Bank Al-Falah Limited
Phone: +880-2-7168821-05
Fax: +880-2-9557413
Alfalah Mahana Amdan is a 3 year TDR with expected rate of profit of 10% p.a. This term deposit will provide an opportunity to individual/joint customers to enjoy higher returns that will automatically be credited to his/her current/PLS/RP/BBA account on 1st working day of each month.
This facility is not availab...
Alfalah Education is a Term Deposit product with No Additional Cost (NAC) education insurance cover for account holders with school going children.
Bank Alfalah presents Alfalah Kamyab Karobar (KK) - a structured, branded, tier-based current account that caters to your banking needs & aspirations.
Any Pakistani resident over the age of 18 can open this account. This account is for individual/joint customers only. Other customers like companies, corporate etc are not eligible for opening of this account.