Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd
Phone: +880-2-9563040(Auto Hunting), 9560099, 9567161,9567162, 9569417
Fax: +880-2-9564532, 9568634
Email: info@islamibankbd.com
Debit card
maximum withdrawal limit Tk.20,000/- per day.
Issuance Charge
300/= p.a
Getting an ATM Card from IBBL
A customer having a deposit account with the designated branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited can get an ATM card.
Interested customer would collect ATM Account Opening Form from the concerned branch and submit it along with the annual Card Fee of Tk.300/= (Taka three hundred) only.
After 7 (seven) days from the date of application, the customer would collect the PIN and Card separately from the designated Officials of the concerned branch and then after 48 (forty-eight) hours, customer can use his Card at any ATM with logo ‘E-cash’.
Customers can withdraw any amount multiplied by Tk.500/- per instance subject to fulfillment of the above conditions i.e. Tk.500/=(Taka Five hundred), Tk.1000/= (Taka One thousand) Tk.2000/=(Taka two thousand), Tk.3000/=(Taka three thousand) and maximum Tk.20,000/=(Taka twenty thousand) per instance and maximum withdrawal limit Tk.20,000/- per day.
A customer having a deposit account with the designated branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited can get an ATM card.
Interested customer would collect ATM Account Opening Form from the concerned branch and submit it along with the annual Card Fee of Tk.300/= (Taka three hundred) only.
After 7 (seven) days from the date of application, the customer would collect the PIN and Card separately from the designated Officials of the concerned branch and then after 48 (forty-eight) hours, customer can use his Card at any ATM with logo ‘E-cash’.
Customers can withdraw any amount multiplied by Tk.500/- per instance subject to fulfillment of the above conditions i.e. Tk.500/=(Taka Five hundred), Tk.1000/= (Taka One thousand) Tk.2000/=(Taka two thousand), Tk.3000/=(Taka three thousand) and maximum Tk.20,000/=(Taka twenty thousand) per instance and maximum withdrawal limit Tk.20,000/- per day.