Jamuna Bank Ltd
Phone: +880-2-9570912-16, 9555141
Fax: +880-2-9565762
Email: jamunabank@jamunabank.com
Kotipati Deposit Scheme
To become ‘Kotipati' is simply a dream for the most of the populace of Bangladesh. It is realizable for high income group who have strong determination and savings habit. If you decide and plan to save money from your regular income, you can own Tk1.00 crore easily by making a planned savings. In this regard, JBL has introduced “Kotipati” Deposit Scheme” offering the savings plan fit to your income and to execute your dream to be a Kotipati by monthly deposit at your affordable capacity. You can take advantage of the “Kotipati Deposit Scheme” from JBL and plan for your golden future accordingly.
DPS Type
Monthly Deposit
Maturity Amount
Tk1.00 crore
otipati Deposit account can be opened at any Branch of JBL.
For opening a Kotipati deposit account, maintenance a savings account with JBL is required.
For opening a Kotipati deposit account, maintenance a savings account with JBL is required.