Mercantile Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2-9559333, 9553892, 9561140
Fax: +880-2-9561213
Email: mbl@bol-online.com
Monthly Benefit Deposit Scheme
Under this scheme, depositor will get a certain sum of money in each month proportion to his/her deposit during the entire tenure. Benefit starts right from the first month of opening an account under this scheme and continues upto five years. On maturity, the principal amount is paid back. Objectives of this scheme are: help the retired persons for investing their retirement benefits, create investment opportunities for Non-Resident Bangladeshi, etc. This scheme is also known as "Family Maintenance Deposit Scheme (FMD)". Under this scheme total amount of BDT 1.86 billion was deposited upto the end of 2009.
DPS Type
Fixed Deposit
Initial Deposit
Minimum deposited amount is BDT 50,000 or its multiples.
Maturity Period
Five (05) years.