Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2-7123255-7, 9568007, 9569353
Fax: + 880-2-9569351
Email: aibl@al-arafahbank.com
Locker Service
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. has been providing 'Safe Deposit Locker' services for a long period of time. At present five of our fifty branches have these facilities.
Locker sizes - Security/Unit (Taka) - Rent/Unit (Taka)
Large -10,000.00 - 2,500.00
Medium - 10,000.00 - 2,000.00
Small - 10,000.00 - 1,500.00
Locker sizes & No of Lockers:
Banani Branch, Dhaka ( Large - 12, Medium - 48, Small - 36 )
Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka ( Large - 30, Medium - 87, Small - 66 )
Uttara Model Town Branch,Dhaka ( Large - 12, Medium - 48, Small - 36)
Narayangonj Branch ( Large - 09, Medium - 09, Small - 30 )
Feni Branch ( Large - 12, Medium - 48, Small - 36 )
The valuables kept in the lockers are also insured with coverage of the following amount under a GROUP INSURANCE POLICY:
Locker sizes & Insurance Coverage (Taka)
Large - 1,50,000.00
Medium - 1,00,000.00
Small - 50,000.00
Locker sizes - Security/Unit (Taka) - Rent/Unit (Taka)
Large -10,000.00 - 2,500.00
Medium - 10,000.00 - 2,000.00
Small - 10,000.00 - 1,500.00
Locker sizes & No of Lockers:
Banani Branch, Dhaka ( Large - 12, Medium - 48, Small - 36 )
Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka ( Large - 30, Medium - 87, Small - 66 )
Uttara Model Town Branch,Dhaka ( Large - 12, Medium - 48, Small - 36)
Narayangonj Branch ( Large - 09, Medium - 09, Small - 30 )
Feni Branch ( Large - 12, Medium - 48, Small - 36 )
The valuables kept in the lockers are also insured with coverage of the following amount under a GROUP INSURANCE POLICY:
Locker sizes & Insurance Coverage (Taka)
Large - 1,50,000.00
Medium - 1,00,000.00
Small - 50,000.00