City Bank

City Bank

Phone: +880-2-8813483, 8814375, 8813126
Fax: +88-02-9884446

City Express

- City Express Cash is a fully secured and revolving facility for any legitimate purpose. The security for the loan should be ideally CBL FDR. Bank would finance against clients CBL FDR or other banks/NBFIs security.
- City Express Loan is a fully secured and terminating (EMI Based) loan facility for any legitimate purpose. Bank would finance against clients CBL FDR or other bank FDR/NBFIs security.
- This is an any purpose secured loan for any legitimate purpose.
- Minimum loan amount Tk. 50,000 & Maximum 90% of the Present Value of CBL FDR or any other security
- Quick processing
- Minimum documentation
- Loan tenor 12 to 60 months
- No guarantor required
- No hidden charges
Loan Amount
- Minimum loan amount Tk. 50,000 & Maximum 90% of the Present Value of CBL FDR or any other security
- Loan tenor 12 to 60 months
- Age: 18 +
- Must be Bangladeshi
- Any eligible individual, who will provide the cash security
Processing Fees

- For express cash, 0.5% of approved limit

- For Express Loan, following slab wise fee will be applicable

- up to Tk 5 lac Tk 1000
- up to Tk 10 lac Tk 1500
- Above Tk 10 lac Tk 2000


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