City Bank

City Bank

Phone: +880-2-8813483, 8814375, 8813126
Fax: +88-02-9884446
City Ichchapurun
- Great opportunity to earn against your savings every month!
City Projonmo
- Financial safety for your future generations backed by complete immense protection! - City Projonmo is a unique monthly deposit scheme that you open for your kids to safeguard their future against all uncertainties and risks. As a guardian of the child you can open this account which builds great & unmatchable ...
City Shomridhdhi
A unique offer from City Bank - City Shomridhdhi is an exceptional DPS product that is distincity more attractive than the prevalent DPS products in the market. You receive a hefty sum at the end of the term against your monthly deposit of small installments. It's a perfect way to secure your financial future!
Fixed Deposite
- If you believe in long-term investments and wish to earn higher interests on your savings, NOW is the time to invest your money in our Fixed Deposit.