
Janta Bank distributes Tk. 8.02m agri-loan in Nilphamari

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Jan 26 2011 05:49 am

The Janata Bank Ltd (JBL) distributed Taka 8.02million soft-term agri-loans at two percent interest rate among 225 farmers at a function arranged in Nilphamari district town Monday.

The agri-loans were distributed among the farmers of all eight upazilas of Nilphamari district with a view to encourage them in enhancing productions of pulses, spices, oilseeds and similar crops in this economically backward area.

As per directives of Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Dr Atiur Rahman, the JBL disbursed these loans like other banks in the process of building a developed and poverty-free digital Bangladesh through achieving self-reliance in agriculture by increasing productions.

Rangpur Divisional Manager of JBL M Mohsin chaired the loan distribution ceremony at Nilphamari District Shilpakola Academy auditorium and Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of JBL SM Aminur Rahman attended as the chief guest.

General Manager (Rural Loan) of the JBL M Ayat Ali and Deputy Commissioner of Nilphamari Zillur Rahman were present as the special guests.

Acting General Manager of Rangpur Branch of Bangladesh Bank (BB) Nurun Nahar and Deputy General Manager (Rural Loan) of the JBL from Dhaka Zikrul Haque also attended the ceremony.

The speakers said that these easiest agri-loans are being disbursed among the farmers for achieving more economic growths in the agriculture sector by saving huge foreign exchange through achieving self-reliance in productions of pulses, oilseeds and spices.

They called upon the officials and experts of the agriculture related departments to assist the farmers in ensuring optimum utilizations of the loans to increase productions of these crops to meet the country’s local demands without importing these commodities.

Dr Atiur Rahman during his visit to Rangpur and other northern districts in October 2009, ordered authorities of RAKUB and other commercial banks to ensure disbursement of adequate agri-loans at two per cent interest rate to increase productions of these crops.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh

MTBL distributes warm clothes

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Jan 26 2011 05:45 am

Mutual Trust Bank Ltd (MTB) has distributed warm clothes among the distressed people of Panchagarh and Joypurhat recently.

Md Jahangir Alam, MTB group chief risk officer (GCRO) led the warm cloth distribution in Joypurhat while Mohammad Iqbal, head of MTB SME Banking Division led the other event organised for distributing warm clothes at Panchagarh, said a press release.

They distributed blankets, sweaters, shawls, sarees and lungis among the effected people.

News: Daily Sun/Bangladesh/jan-26-2011

BRAC Bank's online shopping facility in Bangladesh

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Jan 25 2011 06:38 pm

For the first time ever in Bangladesh, BRAC Bank Ltd. (BBL) has launched Bangladesh's first e-commerce banking platform in alliance with Visa, thereby opening an opportunity for Bangladeshi citizens to use Visa cards for shopping online. Any Bangladeshi with internet access now can shop online with a Visa card or any card issued by BRAC Bank. Attending as the chief guest, Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor of Bangladesh Bank, inaugurated the country’s first e-commerce banking system at a city hotel.

Md. A. (Rumee) Ali, Chairman of BBL, Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of BBL and Uttam Nayak, Group Country Manager (India and South Asia) of Visa were present along with senior officials, leading merchants and clients.

“The central bank has continuously been facilitating bringing banking to the doorsteps of the general mass. This online shopping is another milestone in that journey. I am happy to inaugurate this service brought first time in Bangladesh and that too by a Bangladeshi bank,” the Banglaesh Bank Governor said.
Md. A. (Rumee) Ali, said, “I think this will pave the way for many companies to start doing business online.
This hopefully will be the start of online business revolution for Bangladeshi companies enabling them to keep up with the rest of the world and innovate how they interact with their customers.”
Uttam Nayak in his speech said that e-commerce would not only reduce cost of transaction but also save couple of hours rather than shopping physically.
E-commerce facilitates remote payments which are better than face-to-face payments, he said and adding it will give an opportunity to include more people in banking transaction, one’s who buying goods and other’s who selling goods.
Firoz Ahmed Khan, Head of Retail Banking, while demonstrating the new service features at the launching ceremony said that the new shopping platform would work just any other developed online stores work.
Consumers can browse and choose their products on either the online super-stores or individual shops and then they can add the products to their cards through checking out finally, they simply need to put their details from BBL or Visa card.
Online ticket booking with ones credit card and general retail purchases online have been something many credit card holders have been waiting to be able to do for years while many working Bangladeshis facing problems as the shops are normally closed at 8 pm., he said.
BRAC Bank online shopping is open for 24 hours making it possible for retail products, companies and stores to keep earning long after shopping hours are over, he added.

BB to continue efforts to restore investors’ confidence

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Jan 25 2011 07:21 am

Bangladesh Bank will keep on its efforts to restore the normalcy at the bourses and will do everything possible to bring back investors confidence, BB high officials said yesterday.

They, however, ruled out the criticisms that BB initiatives to contain soaring inflation contributed to the debacle of the capital market. Rather, some vested quarters’ interests and somewhat policy makers’ failure were active behind the fall, they observed.

“BB mainly deals with the containment of the inflation through an increased reserve. But, it can’t be blamed for the volatility of the share market,” SK Sur Choudhury, executive director, said.

Choudhury ruled out the scheduled banks’ excessive involvement in the share business saying that banks’ present exposure to the capital market is only 3.58 percent or Tk 125.41 billion of the total market of Tk 3508 billion, which played little role in the debacle.

“You won’t see too much problem in the country’s banking sector, but it would have been in a danger if the central bank didn’t take some timely measures in line with the Bank Company Act,” he told journalists adding that banks are now well below their exposure limit--10 percent of their total liabilities--as of this January.

The heated call money rate has also been tamed to 4 to 8 percent, even lower than the rate set by the regulator, he said adding: “The call money rate rose due to mismanagement in some banks.”

News: Daily Sun/Bangladesh/24 Jan 2011

Sonali Bank finances woven bag factory in Khulna

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Jan 25 2011 07:19 am

A P.P woven bag factory financed by Sonali Bank Ltd was inaugurated in Dumuria upazila of Khulna yesterday.

Md Humayun Kabir, managing director and CEO of the bank, formally inaugurated the factory, said a press release.

Sonali Bank Khulna Corporate Branch provided the financial support to AK Agro Industries Pvt Ltd to build the factory, the statement added.

Mukul Kanti Saha, Chairman of AK Group, Ashok Kumar Das, managing director of AK Agro Industries Pvt Ltd, Subhash Chandra Singh Roy, director of board of directors, Md Atiqur Rahman, deputy managing director of Sonali Bank, Nowsher Ali Khandakar, bank's manager at its principal office, Md Mahbubul Haque, general manager of bank’s General Manager’s office in Khulna, Nepal Chandra Shaha, deputy general manager of Janata Bank Khulna corporate branch, were also present at the function.

Managing director and CEO of Sonali Bank in his speech expressed his bank’s interest to provide financial supports to employment-friendly industries and urged the entrepreneurs to step forward in this regard.

The authorities of the P.P woven bag factory also thanked Sonali Bank for financing the project.

News: Daily Sun/Bangladesh/24 Jan 2011

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