
Social Islami Bank opts for GP Business Solutions

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, Jun 12 2011 07:37 am

Grameenphone Ltd. (GP) has recently signed an agreement with Social Islami Bank Limited (SIBL) to provide complete communication facilities under its Business Solutions package. Grameenphone Business Solutions is an integrated telecommunications service, specially designed for the business entities of Bangladesh, providing customized telecommunications solutions through a consultative approach, tailored to the needs of individual businesses.
Currently SIBL is serving with it’s 64 branches nationwide. SIBL started its journey with the concept of 21st Century Islamic participatory three sector banking model: i) Formal Sector- Commercial Banking with latest technology; ii) Non-Formal Sector - Family Empowerment Micro-Credit & Micro-enterprise programme and iii) Voluntary Sector - Social Capital mobilization through CASH WAQF and others.
Finally, "Reduction of Poverty Level" is the Vision, which is a prime object as stated in Memorandum of Association of the Bank with the commitment "Working Together for a Caring Society".

News: The Independent/ Bangladesh/ Jun-12-2011

NCC Bank holds confce in Dhaka

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, Jun 12 2011 07:30 am

The conference of the executives of Head Office and managers of Dhaka-based branches of NCC Bank was held at the bank’s Head Office yesterday.

Alhaj Md Nurun Newaz, chairman of the bank attended the conference as chief guest, said a press release.

Vice Chairman Mostafizur Rahman was also present as special guest.

Managing director of the bank Mohammed Nurul Amin presided over the meeting while additional managing director Golam Hafiz Ahmed, deputy managing directors A K Md Siddique, Mohabbat Khan and T M Faruque Chowdhury also attended.

During the conference, the participants evaluated the performance of the bank. They urged all concerned to put their sincere efforts to continue the growth of the bank and enhance its image as well.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ Jun-12-2011

Trust Bank gets Flora Bank Core software

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, Jun 12 2011 07:26 am

Trust Bank Limited recently signed an agreement on Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of ‘Flora Bank Core Banking Software’ with Flora Systems Limited.

Shah A Sarwar, managing director of Trust Bank Limited and Mustafa Rafiqul Islam, chairman and managing director of Flora Systems Limited exchanged agreement copies at a function in the city, said a press release.

Ishtiak Ahmed Chowdhury, deputy managing director, and M M Haikal Hashmi, deputy managing director, Trust Bank Limited, RQM Forkan, chief marketing officer, Flora Systems Limited, and Chitrajit Chakrabarti, chief sales officer and senior officials from both companies were also present at the signing ceremony held at a city hotel.

Mustafa Rafiqul Islam, chairman and managing director of Flora Systems Limited said: “We are happy and grateful to be the software provider and systems integrator of “Flora Bank” Online Core Banking software and for the contract between Trust Bank Limited and Flora Systems Limited”.

“We are very confident and hopeful that Flora Systems Limited will continue its success in banking sector to implement Online Banking software and will play a leading role to serve the ICT sector and will play a pivotal role to implement the Vision of “Digital Bangladesh” inline with our Honorable Prime Minister’s Vision.” He continued.

All existing 59 Trust Bank branch offices including future branches would offer real-time online banking with retail, corporate, private banking services including ATM, POS, SMS, Tele-banking, internet banking, and SWIFT services.

Local ATM Networks (E-cash, Q-Cash, Dutch Bangla) and VISA International are already interfaced with Flora Bank Software. Flora Bank Software supports all international card processing technology that supports ISO8583 protocol.

Trust Bank customers will now be able to do real time (anytime anywhere) transactions including deposit and withdrawal, foreign remittance, LC handling etc. Flora Bank internet banking facility would allow them to do banking not only within Bangladesh but also from abroad.

Customers will also be able to order cheque books from internet without physically coming to the bank, said the press release.

Flora Bank SMS banking and tele-banking services would allow customers to do balance checking, make payment utility bills and other permissible banking transactions using their mobile phone. Flora Bank also has Islamic version to cater Islamic Banking operations and Trust Bank has been enjoying this facility too.

NCC Bank, Mutual Trust Bank, Jamuna Bank, Janata Bank, Agrani Bank, Krishi Bank, BCBL are also existing users of Flora Bank.

News: Daily Sun/ Bangladesh/ Jun-12-2011

BASIC Bank declares 20pc dividend

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jun 09 2011 07:48 pm

BASIC Bank Limited declares Tk.39.29 crore stock dividends for the year 2010 to its sole shareholder, the govt. of the people’s republic of Bangladesh in its 22nd  AGM held at head office of the bank in the city recently says a press release. The meeting was presided over by the chairman of the board of directors of the bank Sheikh Abdul Hye Bacchu.
Other board of directors Jahangir Akhand Salim, Fakhrul Islam, Shubhashis Bose, Neelufar Ahmed, Shakhawat Hossain, Prof. Dr. Kazi Akhtar Hossain, Md. Anwarul Islam,FCMA and managing director of the bank Kazi Faqurul Islam also attended the meeting.
Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, deputy secretary, Banking and Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance attended the meeting as the representatives of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
Among others additional managing director Sk. Monzur Morshed and all deputy managing directors of the bank were also present.
It may be mentioned that BASIC Bank Ltd. earned a gross operating profit Tk 216.69 crore in 2010, which was Tk. 167.00 crore in 2009 and also by keeping the non performing asset to a minimum level with healthy capital adequacy ratio of 9.41per cent in 2010.
It is expected that in the year 2011 the bank will earn a gross operating profit of Tk.300.00(Three hundred) crore. In the last five months of this year the bank has already earned operating profit of Tk.115.00 crore.

News: The Independent/ Bangladesh/ Jun-10-2011

NCC Bank gets new chairmen of audit, executive committee

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jun 09 2011 07:46 pm

The board of directors of NCC Bank Ltd. has elected its directors Mahbubul Alam Tara as chairman of the audit committee and Fakhrul Anwar as chairman of the executive committee of the board recently, says a press release. Chairman of the Audit Committee, Mahbubul Alam Tara is a sponsor Director of the Bank & has served for three terms as Chairman. He was Whip of Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad during 1991 to 1995.
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Fakhrul Anwar is the Managing Director of Golden Inn Chittagong Ltd, Director of Federal Insurance Company Ltd, Holy Crecent Hospital Ltd and Neptune Motors.

News: The Independent/ Bangladesh/ Jun-10-2011

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