NBL Distributes Loans Among Farmers

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Jan 11 2011 06:59 am

National Bank Limited (NBL) and Monohar ICM Krishok Club have handed over farm loans at a function at Rangpur Monohar High School ground in Rangpur recently, said a press release. The chief guest of the programme, Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman, distributed agricultural loan sanction letters issued by NBL among local farmers. Md Towhidul Islam Tuhin, president of Monohar ICM Krishok Club, presided over the meeting.

Haroon Or Rashid Chowdhury, executive director of Bangladesh Bank, M Badiul Alam, managing director (CC) of NBL, A K M Shafiqur Rahman and Nazib Uddin Bhuiyan, NBL's deputy managing directors, among others, were also present on the occasion.

News: Daily Sun/Bangladesh/11 Jan 2011

Posted in Banking, Finance, News
