Inauguration ceremony of 6th branch of NBL Money Transfer held

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, May 07 2014 01:30 pm

Komtar in Penang, Malaysia – The 6th Branch of NBL Money Transfer inaugurated at Komtar in Penang, Malaysia recently. Parveen Haque Sikder, Director & Chairperson, Executive committee, National Bank Limited inaugurated the branch as Chief Guest, reports in a press release.
Ms. Lisa Fatema Haque, Director of NBL Money Transfer, A K M Shafiqur Rahman, Managing Director & CEO, Shamsul Huda Khan, Deputy Managing Director, Mir Mosharref Hossain, Vice President of National Bank Ltd. and Sk. Akhter Uddin Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of NBL Money Transfer Sdn Bhd, Malaysia were also present on the occasion.
A large number of Bangladeshi expatriates, lives in Malaysia also attended the inaugural ceremony. Parveen Haque Sikder also exchanged her views with the Bangladeshi Expatriates residing in Malaysia & motivated them to remit their hard earned money through NBL Money Transfer to Bangladesh and also has requested them to open account with National Bank Limited, Bangladesh.
NBL Money Transfer was established in the year 2009 as a wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank Limited. Since inception the company is managed by National Bank Limited, Bangladesh.

News:Bangladesh Today/7-May-2014
Posted in Banking, News
