Qatar to park $1.8b in BB Fund to boost forex reserves

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Dec 05 2012 06:05 pm

The central bank of Qatar agreed in principle to deposit $1.8 billion with Bangladesh Bank, which would boost the country's foreign exchange reserve.

BB Governor Atiur Rahman held a meeting with the acting governor of Qatar Central Bank, Sheikh Fahad Faisal Al-Thani, in Qatar recently, according to a BB statement.

A technical committee of both the central banks will work out the terms and conditions.

A memorandum of understanding will be signed between the two central banks soon. The BB has already given the central bank of Qatar a draft MoU, which is being examined now.

The BB is expected to send a technical team early next year.

An analyst said it is a kind of borrowing by one central bank from another to boost forex reserves.

The foreign exchange reserve stood at $11.81 billion yesterday, which is equivalent to around four months' import bill of the country.

The decision of Qatar Central Bank followed earlier discussions between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the emir of the Gulf state.

During the meeting, Qatar also wanted to recruit some experts from Bangladesh for advising its central bank.

News: The Daily Star/Bangladesh/5th-Dec-12

At IMF push, central bank hunts for scam money The lender slaps new condition of 'diagnostic exams' in state banks

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Dec 05 2012 06:02 pm

Bangladesh Bank has opened a probe into the whereabouts of the Sonali Bank money embezzled by Hall-Mark Group, on advice from the International Monetary Fund.

The financial intelligence unit of the central bank will also see whether the amount has been siphoned off abroad or kept inside the country, said BB officials.

In the backdrop of big scams in different state banks, the IMF may tag a major condition of conducting special diagnostic examinations in those banks before releasing the third instalment of its $1 billion loan for Bangladesh.

A central bank official said they have launched the drive as the IMF and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) have enquired about the money.

The Hall-Mark Group and some other businesses swindled about Tk 3,557 crore from Sonali Bank showing fake documents. Of the amount, Hall-Mark alone embezzled Tk 2,626 crore.

An IMF team, now in Dhaka, wanted to know from the BB what steps it has taken to realise the amount. The mission has also enquired about the scam involving BASIC Bank, the official said.

Since November 27, the IMF has been in talks with the central bank over the Hall-Mark issues.

The BB has already informed the global lender that it has sought information relating to the Hall-Mark Group from all banks, and as soon as the information will be available, those will be conveyed to the IMF.

On realising the embezzled money, the central bank told the IMF that Sonali Bank has already securitised a portion of the money swindled by the Hall-Mark Group by taking the Group's land as mortgage.

The BB also told the lender that the irregularities came to light first in a BB investigation and stern actions were taken against other banks where such irregularities were detected.

A total of 23 other banks were involved in 'bill purchase' by Hall-Mark Group from Sonali Bank's Ruposhi Bangla branch.

The BB has carried out a special investigation into the branches of those banks. Irregularities on the part of branch officials of some banks were found and those were referred to the anti-graft body for taking further actions.

In the context of various incidents of scams, the IMF has suggested massive reforms in the state-owned banks.

As part of the reform programme, the lender has advised the BB to conduct a special diagnostic examination of the state banks on their asset quality, liquidity management, internal audit and controls.

The government will make commitment to the IMF that it would carry out the special diagnostic examinations by March.

An official of the finance ministry said such reforms may be one of the major conditions for getting the IMF loan.

The BB itself made allegation to the government that some directors of the state banks were involved in the Hall-Mark scam.

The IMF now wants to know how the new directors are being selected and will closely watch whom the government appoints as directors.

However, the government will appoint the directors and senior management of the banks in line with the BB criteria.

News: The Daily Star/Bangladesh/5th-Dec-12

Muhith reiterates decision to retain authority with MoF

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Dec 04 2012 05:57 am

Finance Minister AMA Muhith on Monday reiterated its firm decision to retain power with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in relation to the removal of directors of state-owned banks (SoBs).

The Muhith's stance is opposed to a suggestion made earlier by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to transfer the same authority to the Bangladesh Bank (BB).

The IMF had asked the government to empower the BB to dismiss errant bank directors of SoBs through amending the Bank Company Act (BCA), 2003, to create a level-playing field in the banking sector. The BB is authorised to fire directors of private commercial banks (PCBs) for any wrongdoing.

"The consent of the government (MoF) in removing bank directors from SoBs should be a must since the government appoints them," Mr Muhith, responding to a question, told a group of reporters coming out of a closed-door meeting with the visiting IMF team at his office.

A team of Extended Credit Facility (ECF) mission of the IMF arrived in Dhaka on November 27 last on a 10-day visit. The mission members are now busy reviewing the reform measures undertaken by the government in the financial, banking and revenue matters.

"We held a very effective meeting between ourselves as issues like amending BCA, containing subsidy, enacting Value Added Tax (VAT) Act and adjusting fuel prices were the topics of discussion," Mr Muhith told the reporters.

AMA Muhith when asked about the reasons for not transferring power to BB said, "Because, we appoint them (directors), so the issue of their removal should require our involvement."

On the issue of price hike of petroleum, the finance minister said the issue was discussed with IMF.

"We did not mention any specific time-frame to increase the price of petroleum," Mr Muhith told the reporters.

"We will adjust the fuel prices at a suitable time. What we feel is --- the appropriate time for price hike of petroleum is the winter season," the finance minister elaborated.

News: The Daily Financial Express/Bangladesh/4th-Dec-12

Qatar to invest US$ 1.8bn in BB: Atiur

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Dec 04 2012 05:45 am

Doha: Qatar, which makes huge investment abroad, has agreed to deposit US$1.8 billion in the Bangladesh Bank, Governor Dr Atiur Rahman said here on Monday.

“I had a meeting with acting governor of Qatar central bank…we discussed the matter in details. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) will soon be signed in this regard,” Atiur told UNB in Doha after a meeting with Sheikh Fahad Faisal Al-Thani.

The meeting was held at 10 am (local time) at the central bank office of Qatar in Doha.

Dr Atiur said a technical team of Bangladesh Bank will visit Qatar in January to finalise the terms and conditions in this regard.

He said if Qatar deposits the money with the Bangladesh Bank, its reserve will increase and it will have a positive impact on the balance of payments.

An official at the central bank here said the BB will share profits with the Gulf nation from investing the fund abroad if things get finalised.

The BB official said the central bank makes a handsome amount of profit every year from the investments it makes abroad.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/4th-Dec-12

Remittance inflow falls in November

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Dec 04 2012 05:40 am

The country’s single-month inward remittance in November this year witnessed a sharp fall as wage earners remitted $1098.25 million compared to $ 1330 million in October.

Bangladesh bank (BB) data shows the trend of remittance inflow maintains a steady growth in the current financial year (FY) 2012-13 with $ 1 billion. The rising trend continued till October, but fell drastically last month.

With the latest amount received, the country’s total remittance in last five months reached $ 6.1 billion from July to November period.

In October this year, the inward remittance hit the single-month highest at $1.33 billion, Bangladesh bank (BB) data shows. Fabulous flow of remittance during October surpassed the previous single-month highest of $1.22 billion posted in January this year.

The central bank data showed the country received the amount in a period between 1-26 October. With the latest development, total inward remittance stands at $4.89 billion from 1st of July to 26th October.

In September, the flow of remittance marked a steady growth though the month is considered to be the lean season, according to official statistics.

From 1st to 28th September, expatriate Bangladeshis remitted $ 1.05 billion (Tk 82 billion) in the country from different destinations across the world, the Bangladesh bank (BB) data shows.

The remittance flow rose in September 2012 as remitters sent extra pennies to near and dear ones during Eid-ul-Azha and Durga Puja.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/4th-Dec-12

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