BB resets limit on banks’ share credit

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 18 2013 11:24 am

Banks will be able to disburse no more than Tk 3 crore in share credit to any stock dealer as the central bank set the limit in line with a revised law.

The loans will only be allowed for A- and B-category shares, Bangladesh Bank said in a notice yesterday.
The credit amount may cover up to 70 percent of the last six months’

weighted average prices of A-category shares and 60 percent of B-category shares, but that must not cross Tk 3 crore in any case.
The previous limit was Tk 1 crore.

The Banking Companies (Amendment) Act 2013, gazetted on July 22, empowers the central bank to set the credit limit time to time.

However, the banks’ total exposure to the capital market would not cross 25 percent of their total regulatory capital.

The central bank in yesterday’s directive also said the banks which have over-exposure to capital market will have to reduce the exposure by July 21, 2016.

The banks will also have to regularly submit a central bank prescribed report on their investment exposure to the stockmarket within first 10 days of a month, the BB said.

News:The Daily Star Bangladesh/18-Sep-2013

Trust Bank opens branch at Auliapur

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 18 2013 11:08 am

shtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director and CEO of the Trust Bank Limited, inaugurates Auliapur Branch of the bank at Poolhut, Rupom Moor, Auliapur in Dinajpur recently.


Trust Bank Limited opened Auliapur Branch at Poolhut, Rupom Moor, Auliapur in Dinajpur recently.

Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director and CEO of the Trust Bank Limited inaugurated the branch as chief guest, said a press release.

Begum Rokeya Din, Director of the bank, Sector Commander of BGB, senior officials of the bank, local elites, businessman, industrialist and other invited guests were present at the inaugural function.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/18-Sep-2013

Pubali Bank opens credit division on new premises

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 18 2013 10:41 am

Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director and CEO of Pubali Bank Ltd, inaugurates the Credit Division of Head Office at its new premises recently.


 Pubali Bank Limited’s Credit Division of Head Office was inaugurated in its new decorated premises.

Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director and CEO of Pubali Bank Ltd, inaugurated the office as chief guest recently, said a press release.

MA Halim Chowdhury, Additional Managing Director, M Kamal Uddin Mian, Law Consultant, Sayeed Ahmed FCA ACMA, Chief Financial Officer among others were present at the function.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/18-Sep-2013

Commerce Bank signs tripartite agreement

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 18 2013 10:27 am

Pankaj Kumar, Chief Marketing Officer of F1 Soft, Shofiul Alam, Managing Director of Hypertag and SM Jahangir Akhter, Executive Vice President of BCBL, sign an agreement at the bank's head office in Dhaka recently.

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited (BCBL) signed a tripartite agreement with F1 Soft International Private Limited, Singapore, and Hypertag (local partner) at the bank's head office in Dhaka recently.

Pankaj Kumar, Chief Marketing Officer of F1 Soft, Shofiul Alam, Managing Director of Hypertag and SM Jahangir Akhter, Executive Vice President of BCB, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations, said a press release.

News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/20-Sep-2013

IFIC Bank opens Booth at Uttara

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 18 2013 10:11 am

Dr. AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury, former president and Chairman of Uttara Women's Medical College, inaugurates a cash booth of IFIC Bank at college premises in Dhaka on Monday.
A cash booth (utility collection booth) of IFIC Bank was opened at Uttara Women's Medical College (UWMC) in Dhaka on Monday.

Dr. AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury, former president and Chairman of Uttara Women's Medical College inaugurated the booth, said a press release.

Prof. AM Mozibul Haq, Member Secretary of the institution, Matiul Hasan, DMD, SM Abdul Hamid, DMD and CFO and senior executives of IFIC Bank attended the  function.
News:Daily Sun Bangladesh/18-Sep-2013


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