Banks get access to national ID database

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Aug 20 2015 10:30 am

Atiur Rahman, governor of Bangladesh Bank, speaks at the agreement signing ceremony at Radisson hotel in Dhaka yesterday. Photo: Bangladesh Bank

Commercial banks are now getting access to the national identity database, which bankers said would help them check authenticity of clients' information and reduce forgeries.

The Election Commission yesterday signed an agreement with Dutch-Bangla Bank and Brac Bank, allowing the two to enjoy national identity (NID) verification services.

Earlier, Bangladesh Bank, the National Board of Revenue, and the Department of Immigration and Passports gained the access to the NID database.

Banks and telecom operators have long been demanding the access.

“The scope for verification will authenticate information of individuals and ensure transparent financial transactions. Frauds and forgeries will come down drastically,” Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman said at the agreement signing ceremony at Radisson hotel in the city.

Johannes Zutt, World Bank's country director for Bangladesh, and Sirajul Islam, secretary of the Election Commission, were also present.

The governor said the two banks will now verify NIDs of their existing and upcoming customers regularly.

Rahman said banks will use the NID database for mobile banking services as well.

Election Commission officials said they will have to manage multiple network connectivity from multiple service providers to provide the NID verification services to all banks and financial institutions.

The BB governor proposed a solution to the multiple network connectivity issue. “The Election Commission may consider providing the access via the central bank,” Rahman said, adding that it would help the commission manage ICT security effectively.

Abul Kashem Mohammad Shirin, deputy managing director of Dutch-Bangla Bank, said the access to the NID database will help them detect accounts with false identity.

“Providing mobile banking services will be easier as many people open accounts with fake NID cards,” Shirin said. “We will get genuine information from the Election Commission as its NID database is 99.7 percent accurate,” he added.

A bank has to give the Election Commission Tk 2 for a single verification service in addition to the specific usage fees.

News:The Daily Star/20-Aug-2015

RAKUB committed to reach services towards farmer's doorsteps

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Aug 19 2015 12:44 pm

BSS, Rajshahi :Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) is committed to reach its services towards doorsteps of the farmers in general for elevating their living and livelihood conditions. Besides, the bank is bringing all the existing agricultural potential sectors and sub-sectors under qualitative and quantitative investments for making the region's agro-based economy more vibrant. Board of Directors of the bank mentioned these commitments in 431st meeting held at its board room here on Monday with Chairman Prof Dr Shah Newaz Ali in the chair, RAKUB sources said Tuesday. RAKUB, headquarter in Rajshahi, has been operating its banking activities as the largest development partner in all 16 northwest districts of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions targeting its agricultural sector and all its sub-sectors.The meeting noted that the bank's administrative and operational activities must be transparent and accountable alongside farmers-friendly for boosting agricultural production. For the sake of sustainable development of the farmers and for bolstering the agro-based economy, the meeting called for infusing dynamism towards increasing the need-based credit flow. The meeting discussed elaborately on how to make the bank's operational and commercial activities more dynamic through strengthening the credit support for both farm and non-farm prospective fields. Terming the farmers as the vital force to boost up the agricultural productions they expressed their commitment to protect the farmers' interests as a whole.

News:New Nation/19-Aug-2015

Mostafa Kamal, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee and Director of Modhumoti Bank Limited, presiding over the committee meeting at its Gulshan branch on Monday. Md Didarul Alam MP, Director and Khondaker Rahimuzzaman, SEVP of the bank were present.

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Aug 19 2015 12:38 pm

Mostafa Kamal, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee and Director of Modhumoti Bank Limited, presiding over the committee meeting at its Gulshan branch on Monday. Md Didarul Alam MP, Director and Khondaker Rahimuzzaman, SEVP of the bank were present.

News:New Nation/19-Aug-2015

Muhammad Abdul Mannan, Managing Director of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, inaugurating its 295th branch at Monohordi Upazila Sadar in Narsingdi on Monday.

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Aug 19 2015 12:26 pm

Muhammad Abdul Mannan, Managing Director of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, inaugurating its 295th branch at Monohordi Upazila Sadar in Narsingdi on Monday.

News:New Nation/19-Aug-2015

New GMs of BDBL

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Aug 19 2015 12:07 pm

Business Desk :Md Khalidh Hossain, Md Abdul Matin and Md Mozammel Haque have joined as General Manager of the Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd recently.  All the three officials were working as Deputy General Managers of the bank at different departments. After studing BA Honours, MA in Economics from Rajshahi University Md Khalidh Hossain joined now defunct BSRS as senior officer in 1985. Abdul Mating also joined BSRS in the same year after completion of his BCom and MCom from Dhaka University. Md Mozammel Haque joined BSB as senior officer in 1983 after getting Bsc Engineering degree in textile from Tejgaon Textile University.

News:New Nation/19-Aug-2015
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