United Commercial Bank Limited
Head Office
Plot - CWS- (A)-1,Road No - 34
Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Known As
Stock Code
Some leading personalities from industry and business of the country got together in early eighties of the last century to build up a commercial bank. The result was one of the first generation private sector banks of the country. Thus United commercial Bank Limited (UCBL) came into reality and GOB was kind enough to participate as a share holder of it. UCBL started operating as a commercial bank in 1983.
UCBL is committed for sustainable development of the country. Visionary policy makers along with a dynamic Management team are leading UCBL to its goal. It has created a clear difference from the competitors with its fast, friendly and personalized services to its clients. Modern, world class banking is made available here in Bangladesh by UCBL.
General Banking Services
UCBL provides all general banking services to its clients through its 110 branches all over the country. Savings and current accounts, transfer of money, Western Union Money Transfer are some of the services UCBL presents.
Deposit Schemes
DPS plus, Earning plus, Deposit Insurance scheme, Multimillionaire, Money maximizer, Time deposit scheme, Monthly saving scheme etc. are some of their deposit services. Clients having requisite qualifications may have Foreign Currency Deposit accounts in UCBL.
UCBL Multimillionaire scheme is a deposit service providing you a great opportunity of saving a good amount in a short time. The interest rate is quite high for idle money. There are three levels in this scheme, namely 1 million, 5 million, and 10 million Taka. You have to deposit an amount every month for 5 to 15 years and at the end you get the full amount as declared.
UCBL Moneymaximizer is a lucrative deposit scheme for limited income people. This scheme pays 9.10% of interest and the deposit is doubled just in 8 years.
Loan and credit services
UCBL caters export and import loan to deserving candidates which in turn helps the overall economy of the country through increased earning of foreign exchange. It also disburse loan to entrepreneurs for working capital. Trade and industry are also financed by the bank.
The bank provides Consumer Loan to potential customers for purchasing consumer products. This scheme enhances the standard of living for the young and hard working people.
Remittance services
UCBL provides its clients with both incoming and outgoing remittance services. Thus the expatriates find an easy way to send money through proper channel.
Stock brokerage sevice
United commercial Bank, through its subsidiary UCB Securities Limited provides stock brokerage, share transfer, portfolio management and fund management to issue in capital and security market. At the same time underwrites, manages, and distributes the issue of stock share, bonds, and other securities.
Innovative Services
UCBL has started a unique service named SMS Banking Service to its customers. So the bank comes to your palm top instead of your rushing to the bank. UCBL issues Travelers checks for its customers willing to travel abroad. The bank has introduced online banking service to its valued customers. It provides Credit cards service for the interested clients. Three types of cards are offered with varied facilities. The types are Classic, Gold and Pink. Another extra ordinary one is Credit Card for Ladies. Locker service for your valuables is there in UCBL. All major branches provide the service. UCBL provides One Stop Service for deserving clients and thus provides a fast service to them.
Saturday Banking
UCBL provides Saturday banking service through its four branches having trade and business potentiality. These are Principal Branch, Dhaka, Narayanganj Branch, Gulshan Branch, and Agrabad Branch, Chittagong.
Performance of last 6 months
United Commercial Bank declared it’s earning in the first six months of the present calendar year. Company had made a profit of BDT 2.80 billion against BDT 2.26 billion for the corresponding period of previous year 2010.
It can be confidently said that UCBL being established in 1983 had travelled a long way. The path all along was not so smooth. Still it didn’t stop, rather took the challenges and ultimately made a remarkable progress for the nation and for itself.