Meghna Bank

Meghna Bank Limited

Phone: +88 02 9856881
Fax: +(880 2) 9857124, 9857128

Meghna Personal Loan

Meghna Personal Loan is designed to meet any legitimate expenditure of a customer. This loan is basically unsecured in nature and is backed by personal guarantee from any eligible guarantor.
Loan Amount
BDT 50,000.00 to BDT 500,000.00
Minimum tenure of MEGHNA Personal Loan would be 2 (two) years while maximum tenure would be 5 (five) years
-Salaried Individuals & Professionals of reputed institutions with minimum 1 year of continuous service.
-Self-Employed Professionals who are self-employed and have at least 2 (two) years of independent practice in relevant profession.
-Businessman having high net-worth with at least 5 (five) years of continuous operation in relevant line of business.
-Landlord/Landladies who have sufficient rental income from properties owned by them.
MEGHNA Personal Loan can be utilized for any of the following purposes:

a) purchase of any consumer items i.e. Television, Refrigerator, Audio System etc.
b) expenses related to travel, marriage, medical treatment, education etc.
c) expenses related to renovation and/or refurbishing of apartment/flat
d) any other legitimate personal expenses
This loan is not intended for investment in business


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