Social Islami Bank Ltd.
Phone: +880-2-9559014, 9557499, 9568275, 9565647
Fax: +880-2-9568098
Email: info@sibl-bd.com, ceo@sibl-bd.com
Mudaraba Millonaire Scheme
People of Bangladesh are the followers of Islam. They are mostly interested to make interest free deposits. Taking these facts into consideration SIBL a joint venture Islamic bank introduced a monthly installment based "Mudaraba Millionaire Scheme"
- Any depositor may open one or more account in the same name in the same branch.
- If a depositor fails to deposit 4 consecutive installments then the account will be closed and profit will applied as per rate of Mudaraba Savings Rate. Profit for the first 06 (Six) months shall not be applied.
- The Bank reserves the right to invest the funds received in mudaraba term deposit accounts, in its sole judgement, in any interest-free "Halal" business it deems fit.
- If a depositor fails to deposit 4 consecutive installments then the account will be closed and profit will applied as per rate of Mudaraba Savings Rate. Profit for the first 06 (Six) months shall not be applied.
- The Bank reserves the right to invest the funds received in mudaraba term deposit accounts, in its sole judgement, in any interest-free "Halal" business it deems fit.
DPS Type
Minimum Installment
Tk. 550/-
Maturity Period
15 Years