The Premier Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2- 9887581-84, 8811417
Fax: +880-2-8815393
Email: info@pemierbankltd.com
Double Benefit Scheme
Under this scheme, any deposit becomes double after 7 years and 7 Months. It accepts deposit in multiples of Tk. 10,000. A specially designed instrument shall be issued for the deposit under this scheme in the same manner as issued in case of Fixed Deposit. The instrument is not transferable and renewable. In case of premature encashment after 3 months, benefits may be allowed on the deposit amount at prevailing savings rate. Loan facility may be allowed up to 80% of deposit against lien/pledge on such instrument at bank's prescribed rates.
DPS Type
Fixed Deposit
Interest Rate
9.17% P.a
Initial Deposit
Initial Deposit or multiples 1000 Tk.
Maturity Period
7 years and 7 Months