BRAC Bank Limited
Phone: +880-2-885 9202, +88 01819 230000 (Call Center)
Fax: +880-2-986 0395
Email: enquiry@bracbank.com
Durjoy is a banking facility (combination of term loan and overdraft without any tangible security for working capital purpose and/or fixed asset purchase) targeted to SME customers.
Loan Amount
BDT 3 lac to BDT 25 lac
BDT 3 lac to BDT 10 lac: Maximum 5 years. Over BDT 10 lac - BDT 25 lac: Maximum 4 years . Overdraft renewal: Annual
Interest Rate
18.8% p.a. This rate will re-fix every six months. Preferential interest (at 17.8% p.a.) for customers who maintain transactional account over a period of six months with us.
Installment Amount
Loan processing Fees 1.5% of loan amount + VAT.