Modhumoti Bank Limited
Modhumoti Bank Limited signed an agreement with Computer Network System (CNS) recently. The Additional Managing Director of Modhumoti Bank Limited Md. Shafiul Azam and Director of Computer Network System (CNS) Md. Ikram Iqbal signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations. Managing Director & CEO of the Bank Md. Mizanur Rahman also seen.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd
Dutch-Bngla Bank Ltd opened its 146th branch at Banani Bazar Wednesday. K.S. Tabrez, Managing Director of the bank formally inaugurated the branch. Senior officials of the Bank and local dignitaries, businessmen, industrialists and other invited guests also attended the inaugural ceremony.
Banks to remain open on Friday, Saturday
Bangladesh Bank on Tuesday asked the scheduled banks to keep open their branches located in Dhaka and Chittagong cities on Friday and Saturday to facilitate the filing of nominations for the upcoming city corporation elections in the areas. The central bank issued a circular to managing directors and chief executive officers of all banks asking them to keep open their all branches in the two cities on March 27 and 28 as the candidates of the city polls will have to submit their deposit money by March 29 through pay-order or treasury invoice to the Election Commission along with their nomination papers. Banks in the country usually remain closed on Fridays and Saturdays. The last date for filing nominations is March 29. The Election Commission earlier announced that the election of the three city corporations, Dhaka north and south and Chittagong, will be held on April 28.
News:New Age/25-Mar-2015Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL)
Documents being exchanged after signing a technical support agreement to launch online payment services under internet and mobile banking of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) between IBBL and mobile-based service provider SSL Wireless in the city on Tuesday. The deal was signed in presence of Managing Director of IBBL Mohammad Abdul Mannan and Managing Director of SSL Wireless Sayeeful Islam.
AB Bank Limited and Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) Limited
AB Bank Limited and Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) Limited signed an agreement to collect bills online from DPDC customers from any AB Bank branches and through the Bank's alternative delivery channels i.e. Internet Banking, SMS Banking etc. President & Managing Director of AB Bank Limited Shamim Ahmed Chaudhury and General Manager (F & A) Md. Aminul Islam, FCMA signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations.