Agreement Signed between EBL and Comlink for Mobile Banking
Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) has signed an agreement recently with Comlink Infotech Limited regarding Mobile Banking. Through this agreement Comlink Infotech will help to upgrade EBL with the Mobile Banking and Payment Gateway services. Managing Director and Chief Executive of EBL Mr. Ali Reza Iftekhar and Managing Director of Comlink Infotech Limited Mr. Amzad H. Khan have signed the agreement in their own organization. Other senior officers from these two organizations were present during the occasion.
Mr. Amzad H. Khan said that this agreement will help the EBL consumers to do all kind of transactions safely from all over the country (includes money transfer faciltiy, shopping etc), using Mobile Phone and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). They will get every facility of e-commerce in this venture. Comlink Infotech Limited is a sister concern of PSTN Operator Bangla Phone.
Source: Prothom Alo, 02 Dec 2010/Press Release