
Private investment flatters to deceive

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, May 21 2017 09:42 am

Private investment continues to remain obstinately stuck in the slow lane, putting a damper on the country's growth aspirations.

In fiscal 2016-17, private investment to gross domestic product ratio is expected to be 23.01 percent -- only 0.02 percentage points higher than the previous year, according to provisional data from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

The ratio has been stagnant for the past several fiscal years save for the last, when it edged up about 1 percentage point to 22.99 percent.

The ennui on the investment front is even more puzzling given the amount of excess liquidity that the banking system is sitting on and the lending rates.

As of November last year, Tk 277,956 crore is lying idle among banks, according to Bangladesh Bank.

The banks' lending rate decreased significantly in the past couple of years: the weighted average lending rate stood at 9.70 percent in March, down from 11.93 percent two years earlier.

“There are many reasons for private investment not picking up,” said Zahid Hussain, lead economist of the World Bank's Dhaka office.

For one, the cost of doing business has remained high in Bangladesh due to various regulatory complexities and uncertainties, he said, while citing the country's continued low ranking in the WB Group's Doing Business index.

The energy constraint has not eased despite improvements in electricity generation, and the physical infrastructure, particularly relating to trade logistics, has remained poor.

“We have roads but they are not well maintained. Ports are unable to handle import and export cargoes efficiently. Our railway system fails to deliver the services investors need to conduct their business, while the water transport system continues to depend on outmoded technology.”

The financial markets have not developed to keep up with the dynamism of the private sector, Hussain said.

“On the contrary, the banking system has moved in the opposite direction with large nonperforming loans and regulatory capture by vested interests.”

Investors find it difficult to access medium- and long-term credit at affordable interest rates.

Last but not the least, efforts to ease the access to land have not yet produced any visible results. “We have not succeeded in getting any special economic zone ready for operation yet.”

Hussain also remained sceptical about the slight pick up in investment last fiscal year.

“Last year it increased by nearly a percentage point of GDP, but there was no satisfactory explanation about where it went,” he added. It could have gone to the garment sector, according to Nurul Amin, managing director of Meghna Bank.

In recent times a big portion of the increase in import of capital machinery was safety equipment as apparel exporters look to please their Western retailers with their enhanced workplace safety measures.

Import has also been increasing as a result of the government's implementation of large infrastructure projects.

In the first nine months of the fiscal year, letters of credit opening and settlement for capital machinery soared 52.82 percent, according to data from the BB.

“The real industries that generate employment are not taking that many loans,” Amin added.

In the first nine months of the fiscal year, private sector credit growth stood at 10.08 percent, down from 10.76 percent recorded for this period a year earlier by the BB.

Khondaker Golam Moazzem, additional research director of the Centre for Policy Dialogue, said large business groups are putting emphasis on consolidating their existing business instead of expansion.

The challenge before the medium and small investors is that, on one hand they have to compete with cheap imports and on the other hand, existing big business groups have captured a big market, Moazzem said.

There are a lack of facilities like power, gas and infrastructure. “This is the biggest problem investors, especially the new ones, have been facing.”

Another reason is contraction of domestic demand arising as a result of sliding remittance. “This may have an adverse effect on increasing investment,” Moazzem added.

Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal has acknowledged the fact that the private sector is not growing much.

The private sector will not come forward with investment plans if the necessary infrastructure is not there or if there are not enough profits to be made.

“We have not yet been able to provide the necessary infrastructure. This is very true.”

He also acknowledged that there is still a shortage of electricity. “We cannot provide power as soon as demand is placed.”

However, as per the government plan, the investors will have to wait for another one year. “After that the private sector will be given enough power as soon as demand is placed,” he added.

news:daily star/21-may-2017

WB pledges to support Zambia economic recovery programme

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, May 21 2017 09:26 am

LUSAKA: The World Bank on Friday expressed satisfaction over Zambia's economic recovery program and pledged to support it to help the southern African nation stabilize its economy.

Visiting World Bank Group Vice President for the African Region Makhtar Diop said the bank was happy with the steps the government has taken in its recovery program and was fully behind the move by the authorities to seek a financial bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), reports Xinhua.

In remarks delivered when he paid a courtesy call on President Edgar Lungu, the World Bank vice-president expressed optimism that the recovery plan would help to stabilize and grow the economy which faced sluggishness in 2015 and 2016.

The World Bank, he said, was ready to supplement government efforts in its development agenda and announced that 600 million U.S. dollars under its International Development Assistance(IDA) was available for Zambia to access over a period of three years.

The financing facility represents a 74 percent increase from the previous one and among the key components include 200 million dollars towards the rehabilitation of feeder roads in rural parts of the country and a further 150 million dollars as direct budget support.

On his part, the Zambian thanked the World Bank for its continued support to the country's development agenda over the years.

He however called on the World Bank to increase its support to social sectors such as the country's social protection scheme.

The World Bank vice-president arrived in Zambia on Thursday for a three-day visit to hold consultative meetings with the government and other stakeholders on the country's development priorities and the bank's future support.

He is also expected to visit the eastern part of the country to learn about Zambia's experience in building resilient rural livelihoods aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change through sustainable land management practices.

Zambia announced an economic recovery plan dubbed "Zambia Plus" aimed at ensuring sustained and inclusive growth.

The government has since initiated talks with the IMF for a possible bailout program which was expected to be concluded in the first half of this year.

news:daily sun/21-may-2017

City Bank inks deal with Assurance Dev

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, May 21 2017 09:17 am

City Bank recently signed an agreement with Assurance Developments Limited.

Under the deal, customers of Assurance Developments will get attractive benefits when they avail home loans from City Bank, said a press release.

The set of benefits include an exclusive interest rate and reduced loan processing fee as well as discount on kitchen solutions from Assurance Developments.  

Mashrur Arefin, Additional Managing Director of City Bank and Engr Md Arifur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer of Assurance Developments Limited signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organisations.

  Senior officials from both the organisations were also present on the occasion.

news:daily sun/21-may-2017

NCC Bank organises blood donation camp

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, May 21 2017 09:11 am

NCC Bank Limited in collaboration with Bangladesh Red Crescent Society organised a voluntarily blood donation programme at NCC Bank Bhaban in the capital recently marking the 24th founding anniversary of the bank.

Chairman of NCC Bank Abdus Salam inaugurated the programme as chief guest, said a press release.

 Director Khairul Alam Chaklader and Sohela Hossain, Managing Director and CEO (current charge) Mosleh Uddin Ahmed were present on the occasion.

Beside that, Deputy Managing Director AZM Saleh, Head of Marketing and Branches Division Abdullah-al-kafi Mazumder along with other Senior Executives of Head Office attended the function.

news:daily sun/21-may-2017

‘School Banking Fair’ held in Ctg

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, May 21 2017 09:06 am

A School Banking Fair was held at Waziullah Institute in Chittagong city on Saturday with a view to raising savings habits and creating awareness on banking services amid school students, reports UNB.

news:daliy sun/21-may-2017
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