Signing Ceremony between Trust Bank Limited and Meghna Life Insurance Company Limited for Insurance Premium Payment through held

Posted by BankInfo on Tue, Jun 03 2014 12:15 pm

Dhaka- Signing Ceremony between Trust Bank Limited and Meghna Life Insurance Company Limited for Insurance Premium Payment through Trust Bank Mobile Money held, informed by the authority.
Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, Managing Director and CEO of Trust Bank Limited & Mohammed Shah Alam FCA, Managing Director of Meghna Life Insurance Company Limited has signed an agreement for Insurance Premium Payment Collection through Trust Bank Mobile Money on 2nd June 2014 at Dhaka.
On this occasion, S. M. Akram Sayeed, Executive Vice President & Head of IT,ADC & Mobile Banking Divisions and other High Officials of Trust Bank and Shamsuddin Ahmed, Director, Marketing and Development, Mohammad Tarek FCA, Senior Executive Director and other High Officials of Meghna Life Insurance Company were present at this signing ceremony.
Through this service all the insurance premium holder of Meghna Life Insurance Company will be able to pay insurance premium from anywhere anytime through Trust Bank Mobile Money. Trust Bank Mobile Money service is available from all 88 TBL Branches and more than 13,000 Paypoints across the country.

News:Bangladesh Today/3-June-2014
Posted in Banking, News
