School banking is compulsory for all banks: the governor
Bank News 24 dot com: School banking services are being made mandatory for all banks. In this case, the bank will make better or worse its impact on the central bank's assessment report. Instructions will be sent to banks in this regard soon. Bangladesh Bank governor said this information at a program yesterday. Atiur Rahman. The program was organized at Bangladesh Bank Training Academy in Mirpur on the occasion to review and recognize the school banking conferences held in different regions of the country in 2014 and '15. The banks from the program are given a crest as a recognition to the banks offering school banking services. According to the latest information from the Bangladesh Bank, 49 bank schools out of 56 banks have started banking activities. There are more than 2.5 million accounts in these banks. Among others, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank SK Sur Chowdhury and Executive Director Md. Mahfuzur Rahman spoke in the speech. Central banks and senior executives of different banks were present. In the speech of the chief guest, the governor said, one of the main steps for financial inclusion is to make opening of bank accounts for the school students in the minimum amount. It is possible to build a sustainable future generation if the school can develop mentality of the students and provide knowledge on fundamental financial issues. Unlike their accounts, ATM cards, mobile banking, and various facilities will be provided. Currently, bank banking is optional for banks, but mandatory notifications will be issued soon.
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