Pubali Bank Limited, Ishwardi branch shifted to new premises recently having online facilities

Posted by BankInfo on Sun, Jun 01 2014 12:27 pm

Ishwardi – Pubali Bank Limited, Ishwardi branch shifted to new premises recently having online facilities with a view to providing best & modern banking services, reports in a press release. Director of Pubali Bank Limited Ahmed Shafi Choudhury inaugurated the shifted branch as a chief guest. Managing Director Helal Ahmed Chowdhury presided over the inauguration ceremony.
Deputy Managing Director of Pubali Bank Ltd. Safiul Alam Khan Chowdhury, Chief Technical Officer & GM Mohammad Ali, Regional Manager of Rajshahi Region DGM Sayed Saiful Islam were attended at the function.
In his speech Ahmed Shafi Choudhury highlighted that Pubali Bank is committed to its customers for providing services in fastest, secured and reliable way by utilizing modern banking facilities. In this perspective and fulfilling the demand of the customers, Pubali Bank Ltd has shifted the branch for larger accommodation and online facilities. He also expressed that Pubali Bank will provide the better customer service with the help of modern information technology.
In his speech Helal Ahmed Chowdhury said that Pubali Bank has been providing better services for its customer with a promise to keep up its original tradition. He also said, Pubali Bank give priority to provide opportunity and advantage to the customers through application of modern technologies. With a view to expanding the scope of services, the bank has shifted Ishurdi branch. He said that profit was not the only goal of the Bank but also improvement of customer service is another important goal. He expressed that the branch has remarkable contribution in the business development of this area. He also urged all the local people to avail the facility of online service of Pubali Bank to expand their ventures. Renowned businessmen and local elite were also attended at the function.

News:Bangladesh Today/1-June-2014
Posted in Banking, News
