Prime Bank distributes 1,000 blankets in Rangpur

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Jan 08 2014 11:52 am

RANGPUR : The Prime Bank Limited (PBL) distributed 1,000 pieces of quality blankets among the cold-hit distressed people including women and children here on Monday afternoon to mitigate their sufferings, reports BSS.

Rangpur Divisional Commissioner (DC) Muhammad Dilwar Bakht distributed the blankets at a ceremony arranged by Rangpur Branch of the PBL at Bala Chaorahat VIP Shahadat Hossain High School ground under Badarganj upazila as the chief guest.

Director of PBL and Chairman of Prime Bank Foundation VIP Shahadat Hossain attained the ceremony as the special guest with Rangpur Branch Manager of PBL and its Vice-president Mohammad Ibrar in the chair.

Badarganj Upazila Nirbahi officer Ishtiaque Ahmed, Principal of VIP Shahadat Hossain College Professor Feroz Ahmed, union parishad chairman Altaf Hossain, PBL officials and local elite were present.

In his speech, the Divisional Commissioner highly appreciated the initiative of the PBL authority and called upon all concerned and affluent people in the society to stand by the cold-hit distressed people to mitigate their sufferings. Later,

he distributed 1,000 pieces of quality blankets among the cold-hit people of all ages of the area including men, women and children in the ceremony.

News:Bangladesh Today/8-Jan-2014
Posted in News, Banking
